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House GOP Probes University Funding Over Claims of Antisemitism

 October 8, 2024

House Republicans have initiated an investigation into the distribution of federal funds to universities accused of antisemitism, scrutinizing efforts by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in addressing civil rights concerns.

The inquiry targets institutions receiving millions through the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), with those entities now under examination for potential Title VI violations of the Civil Rights Act related to antisemitism, as the Washington Examiner reports.

The investigation was announced on Wednesday, highlighting concerns about the rising reports of antisemitism on university campuses across the United States.

The spotlight is on universities that receive federal support for health research and are suspected of not maintaining environments free from harassment.

Focus on ARPA-H and Title VI Compliance

ARPA-H, responsible for distributing over $506 million to 14 universities in the previous year, is at the investigation's center. Of these institutions, 11 are currently under scrutiny for possible violations related to antisemitic actions.

Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania, both receiving substantial funding from ARPA-H, have faced criticism for their lack of clear condemnation of genocidal rhetoric aimed at Jewish communities. Combined, these renowned institutions acquired $138 million in funding from the program.

Specific Institutions Under Legal and Ethical Scrutiny

Columbia University stands out among those under federal litigation, facing multiple inquiries regarding instances of civil rights infractions. The university received $40 million from ARPA-H as of August, adding urgency to the investigation's push for clarity and accountability.

Meanwhile, the University of California, San Francisco is also being examined concerning antisemitism allegations tied to both its university settings and associated medical centers. By April, this institution had been allocated $35 million of ARPA-H funding, bringing its policies and practices under the committee's microscope.

Escalating Antisemitism Highlighted by Statistics

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reported a dramatic rise in antisemitic incidents on campuses, with a 361% increase between Oct. 7, 2023, and January 2024. A total of 732 incidents were recorded, a stark rise compared to 63 from the same timeframe the previous year, underscoring the significance of this congressional investigation.

Given this backdrop, the congressional committees have prompted ARPA-H to clarify how it ensures adherence to Title VI. Specific inquiries were made regarding the handling of complaints related to harassment or discrimination within projects financed by ARPA-H.

Broader Investigations into NIH and HHS Conduct

Earlier this year, issues of sexual harassment surfaced involving NIH and organizations they fund, prompting the Energy and Commerce Committee to heighten their inquiry into these allegations.

With over 300 cases identified, the lack of compliance from NIH in cooperating fully with investigative demands led to a subpoena for documents back in February.

Although ARPA-H operates independently, there is an accountability line to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, adding another layer of oversight to this expanding legislative probe.

Committees Set Clear Expectations, Await Responses

A letter from Republican leaders called for assurances that research environments are free of harassment and discrimination, particularly addressing threats toward individuals of Jewish faith. Detailed responses from the involved parties have been requested, with a deadline set for Oct. 16.

Concluding this report, House Republicans are keen on understanding the measures taken by HHS and NIH to foster safe and equitable educational and research environments. Key attention is on the assurance that vast public funds allocated for health research are not indirectly supporting environments that neglect civil rights.

The rising tide of antisemitism, reflected in the over sevenfold increase in reported campus incidents, has fueled this investigation. The broader concern from Congress focuses on preventing environments that overlook or tolerate discrimination, ensuring that institutions receiving federal aid uphold the highest standards of civil rights and equality across their campuses.

This ongoing investigation into how universities manage their federal funds and uphold civil rights in their academic communities will continue as lawmakers await comprehensive responses and actions from ARPA-H, NIH, and HHS.

The committees' efforts reflect a commitment to maintaining educational environments free from harassment, particularly those involving serious allegations of antisemitism against Jewish individuals and communities.