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House GOP Report Accuses Biden of Defrauding U.S. for Family Gain

 August 20, 2024

A Republican-led Congressional investigation has accused President Joe Biden of engaging in “impeachable conduct” by using his public office to enrich his family through foreign business dealings, according to a newly released report.

The House Oversight Committee, in conjunction with the House Judiciary Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee, released a 292-page report on Monday, alleging that Biden’s actions as vice president resulted in over $27 million being funneled to his family since 2014, as the Daily Wire reports.

Investigation Unveils Biden's Alleged Role in Family's Business Dealings

The investigation, spearheaded by Republicans, claims that Biden’s involvement in his family's business dealings began during his tenure as vice president. According to the report, Biden actively participated in these dealings by attending dinners and engaging in phone conversations with his family’s foreign business partners.

The report alleges that Biden’s participation was instrumental in securing foreign payments to his family, often through complex financial transactions designed to obscure their origins. It is claimed that these transactions included laundering funds through intermediate entities and breaking up large payments into smaller amounts.

The investigation cites a 2014 dinner attended by then-Vice President Biden and Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina. Following this dinner, $3.5 million was reportedly wired to Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Thornton.

Hunter Biden's Involvement and Key Testimonies

The report references records from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which became public in 2020, shedding light on meetings Joe Biden had with Hunter's business associates from various countries, including Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan, in 2015. These meetings were initially dismissed as “Russian disinformation” but have since gained credibility within the investigation.

Several witnesses provided testimony, asserting that Hunter Biden frequently invoked his father’s name in business dealings with companies in Romania, China, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. These testimonies claim that millions of dollars flowed to the Biden family as a result.

Additionally, in a deposition earlier this year, Hunter Biden confirmed that his father was referred to as the “big guy” in discussions about a 10% stake in a 2017 deal with CEFC China Energy. However, Hunter also indicated that his father was not directly aware of the specifics of this deal.

Complex Financial Transactions and Allegations of Concealment

The report suggests that the Biden family engaged in a pattern of complex financial maneuvers to conceal the origins of the funds they received. It alleges that foreign money was funneled through various intermediate entities, with transactions broken into smaller amounts to avoid detection.

Republicans involved in the investigation argue that these transactions would not have been possible without Joe Biden’s official position in the U.S. government.

They claim that the Biden family provided no legitimate services in exchange for these payments, instead capitalizing on the "Biden brand" to secure financial gains.

The report highlights a text message from Hunter’s business associate, James Gilliar, referencing a stake “held by H for the big guy,” which the investigation interprets as evidence of Joe Biden’s involvement.

Report Alleges Abuse of Office and Defrauding the U.S.

The House report goes further, accusing President Biden of abusing his office for personal gain. It asserts that Biden’s actions constitute “impeachable conduct,” citing his alleged role in monetizing the Vice Presidency to benefit his family financially.

The report paints a picture of a family living a lavish lifestyle, funded by foreign money acquired through influence-peddling schemes. According to the report, President Biden’s participation in these activities placed his family’s welfare above that of the United States.

The Committees argue that the evidence gathered during the investigation demonstrates a concerted effort to conceal President Biden’s involvement in these business dealings, further supporting their claims of impeachable conduct.

Conclusion Of Report and Next Steps

The Republican-led investigation into President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in his family’s business dealings has culminated in a comprehensive report, which accuses the president of engaging in actions that the committees describe as impeachable.

The report's findings highlight a series of complex financial transactions, testimonies from key witnesses, and evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop, all of which the committees argue point to Joe Biden’s misuse of his office for personal gain.

As the report circulates among lawmakers and the public, it remains to be seen what impact these findings will have on President Biden's administration and any potential legal or political consequences that may arise.