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House Republicans releasing 5,000 hours of Jan. 6 video footage

 March 2, 2024

House Republicans are beginning to release a large collection of CCTV footage from the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

This decision comes in the wake of the arrest of Blaze Media journalist Steve Baker, who was taken into custody by the FBI for his coverage of the protest as, The Blaze reported.

As such, the initial release focuses on footage related to the activities of Baker on that fateful day.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) has announced the initial release of 5,000 hours of this footage, emphasizing the importance of transparency, especially in light of the actions taken against Baker.

The footage is being made available to the public via the Rumble video-sharing platform and is expected to be released in gradual chunks.

In a conversation with Glenn Beck, Loudermilk said:

If you’re going to go after Steve Baker, you need to go after the dozens of other reporters that were present in the Capitol that day, who didn’t do anything wrong.

According to Loudermilk, this is just the beginning. The plan is to continue releasing more footage on a weekly basis. Within approximately eight weeks, all 40,000 hours of video footage should be accessible to the public.

“Our prayers are with Steve. This is horrendous. It’s terrible. We’re going to be there to make sure that justice is done and that means that the freedom, our Constitution is upheld, and the truth be known,” Loudermilk remarked, underscoring the gravity of the situation and the commitment to ensuring justice and upholding constitutional freedoms.

Public access to footage aims at transparency and truth

The decision to release the footage, particularly the segments related to Baker's presence at the Capitol, is part of a broader effort to ensure transparency and accountability.

Loudermilk and others believe that revealing the truth is paramount, especially when the actions of journalists and citizens are under scrutiny.

Beck highlighted that Baker had offered all his footage to the FBI from day one, demonstrating his intent to document the events transparently and responsibly. This action by Baker contrasts sharply with the FBI's decision to arrest him, raising questions about the treatment of journalists and the freedom of the press.

Loudermilk's statements to Beck reveal a clear stance on the issue: the need to protect journalists who are merely doing their job and to ensure that the truth about the events of Jan. 6 comes to light.

Continued release planned to ensure comprehensive public understanding

The strategy to release the footage in phases is designed to allow for a thorough examination of the events of Jan. 6.

By making the footage available to the public, House Republicans aim to provide an unfiltered view of what transpired, ensuring that the narrative is not controlled by a single entity or perspective.

This approach also allows for the material to be analyzed and discussed by various stakeholders, including the media, legal experts, and the general public.

The goal is to foster a more informed and nuanced understanding of the events, beyond the initial reports and coverage.

The emphasis on transparency and accountability is a central theme in the release of this footage.

By providing access to these videos, House Republicans are inviting a broader discussion about the events of Jan. 6, the role of journalists, and the importance of safeguarding constitutional rights.


  • House Republicans are releasing over 40,000 hours of CCTV footage from Jan. 6, 2021, starting with an initial 5,000 hours.
  • The release is in response to the FBI's arrest of journalist Steve Baker, highlighting concerns about press freedom and transparency.
  • The footage will be made available on Rumble, with plans to release all 40,000 hours within approximately eight weeks.
  • This initiative aims to ensure transparency, accountability, and a deeper public understanding of the events of Jan. 6.