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How Would a President Harris Manage Immigration, Border Issues?

 July 3, 2024
In light of an underwhelming debate performance by President Biden, discussions have intensified on potential repercussions for the Democratic leadership and presidential candidacy. Could Vice President Kamala Harris step in?Concerns about Biden’s recent debate fumble have stirred debate on his continuance and the possibilities that Harris might bring to the administration, as Fox News reports.

The critique of President Biden's performance in the recent political debate has not only affected public perception but has also triggered a discussion among Democratic circles.

This includes contemplations about whether Biden should consider stepping down or if he might not seek reelection, thereby making way for new leadership.

A Closer Look at the Leadership Transition

If President Biden were to resign or decide against running for a second term, Vice President Kamia Harris would naturally assume the presidency, as dictated by the Constitution.

Moreover, in the event Biden completes his term, the Democratic National Committee would be tasked with selecting their next presidential candidate, with Harris likely at the forefront.

This type of transition would necessitate addressing several critical issues, one of which includes the ongoing crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. Since Biden's election, the number of encounters at the southern border has surged to record highs, although reports suggest a recent decline.

Understanding Harris's Immigration Policy Stance

Vice President Harris has actively supported dismantling Trump-era border policies and advocates for a comprehensive immigration reform. This initiative, introduced on Biden’s first day in office, primarily seeks to establish a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S.

Dating back to her 2019 presidential campaign, Harris has expressed a keen interest in aggressive executive actions aiming to protect and offer pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. This includes significant expansions to DACA and a proposed new parole program intended to shelter over 6 million people.

The Strategic Role of "Border Czar"

Despite often being dubbed the "border czar," a title the White House has openly rejected, Harris's involvement has broadly spanned various international engagements. Her assignments have extended beyond mere policy advocacy; in 2021, Harris was tasked with addressing the root causes of migration from Northern Triangle countries.

These efforts, focusing on tackling climate change, violence, and economic insecurity in these regions, have led to the commitment of over $5.2 billion by the private sector, marking a significant advance in her initiative.

Legislative Challenges and Bipartisan Efforts

Harris has been a proponent of a bipartisan immigration reform package in the Senate, which ultimately failed to pass. She attributed its failure to interference from former President Donald Trump, who, she claims, preferred to maintain immigration as a divisive political issue rather than resolve it.

"Then, of course, we know there was bipartisan work that happened, including involving some of the most conservative members of the United States Senate. A deal was reached, and they got a call from Donald Trump, who said, 'Don't put it for a vote.' Because Donald Trump would prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem," stated Harris last month.

Recent Actions and Future Prospects

The recent utilization of parole in place authority by President Biden, supported by Harris, demonstrates a commitment to protect spouses of American citizens from deportation. This action reflects ongoing efforts to address immigration issues progressively.

"While today’s actions are a significant step forward, there is more work to be done to fix our broken immigration system. That includes the need for a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers. President Biden and I continue to call on the United States Congress to join us in acting by passing permanent protections for Dreamers," Harris mentioned concerning recent executive actions.

Conclusion: A Comprehensive Look at Harris's Plans

In summary, the potential presidential transition from Biden to Harris could significantly shape U.S. immigration policy.

Harris’s history of advocating for the dismantlement of restrictive immigration laws, her proposals during her presidential campaign to aggressively protect illegal immigrants, and some say her focus on addressing the root causes of migration create a nuanced and proactive approach to this complex issue.

With the ongoing challenges at the southern border and legislative hurdles, the role Harris might play as President could pivot significantly on her diplomatic engagements and legislative strategy in navigating this fraught area.