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Hunter Biden admits using his father’s influence in foreign deals

 March 1, 2024

Hunter Biden, 54, spent six hours on Capitol Hill this week, diving deep into a series of inquiries by GOP impeachment investigators.

He attempted to firmly distance his father, President Joe Biden, from any involvement in his overseas business ventures amid the Republican-driven impeachment investigation, as the Daily Mail reported.

House Oversight Committee chair James Comer of Kentucky subsequently made Hunter's extensive testimony public, revealing over 200 pages of intricate details and Hunter's personal struggles with addiction.

Those battles, according to Hunter, clouded many of his memories related to business engagements.

Acknowledgment Without Implication

For the first time, Hunter openly discussed an email exchange with James Gilliar concerning a lucrative Chinese business deal, which mentioned "10 held by H for the big guy."

Despite the acknowledgment of its veracity, Hunter was adamant that his father played no role in this deal or any other business endeavor.

He suggested that he never used the term "big guy" to refer to his father.

Hunter Biden also recounted instances of putting his father on speakerphone during meetings with business associates, insisting these interactions were benign and not tied to any "shady dealings."

Questioning and Clarifications

Throughout the deposition, Hunter faced rigorous questioning about his infamous laptop, which he claims he does not recall ever dropping off at a repair shop, suggesting a preference for Apple store services instead.

He was pressed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) on this matter but maintained his lack of recollection.

Hunter vehemently defended the legitimacy of his business dealings, especially with CEFC, a Chinese energy conglomerate, arguing that they aligned with his expertise and occurred when his father was not in office.

Amid the questions, Hunter shared personal struggles, admitting to being under the influence and battling suicidal thoughts for a significant portion of his business career.

He aimed to refute that his father benefited from his business deals, emphasizing that the financial arrangements were lawful and solely his responsibility.

No Evidence of Impropriety Found

In defense of his father and himself, Hunter highlighted the lack of concrete evidence linking Joe Biden to any financial transactions arising from his son's business dealings.

This statement was echoed by his attorney, Abbe Lowell, who criticized the Republican majority for focusing more on Hunter's addiction than substantial evidence related to the impeachment inquiry.

The revelation of Hunter's testimony sparked varied reactions, with Republicans suggesting discrepancies in his statements, while Democrats criticized the inquiry as a baseless pursuit of potential charges against President Biden.

Hunter's candid discussion about his addiction and its impact on his life and business was a focal point, with him expressing embarrassment over past messages sent during his lowest moments.