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Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Tax Charges, Faces Potential of Lengthy Prison Term

 September 6, 2024

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has pleaded guilty to nine tax-related charges following an "open plea" in a California court.

The decision to plead guilty on all counts avoided a protracted trial that had been looming, concluding a years-long investigation by special counsel David Weiss into his finances and business activities, and it may result in a lengthy prison sentence and significant fines, as the Washington Examiner reports.

On Thursday, Biden appeared before Judge Mark Scarsi, who presented him with a list of charges stemming from his failure to pay taxes on income he earned from foreign business dealings between 2015 and 2019.

The indictment, composed of 56 pages, was read aloud in court, detailing allegations that Biden failed to pay over $1.4 million in taxes despite earning millions of dollars. The judge informed Biden of the possible penalties he faces, including up to 17 years in prison and fines totaling $1.3 million.

Biden Avoids Lengthy Trial Process

The decision to plead guilty through an "open plea" meant that there was no negotiated agreement with the prosecution. In response to Judge Scarsi’s question of whether he agreed that he committed every element of the crimes outlined in the indictment, Biden simply replied, “Yes.”

This guilty plea effectively halted what was expected to be a lengthy trial process, which had been set to begin with jury selection. The trial was likely to cause significant public attention, potentially creating more personal and political strain for the Biden family. In addition to tax evasion charges, Biden's case also involved accusations related to his spending on drugs, alcohol, and other vices during a period in which he was struggling with addiction.

Prosecution Focuses on Biden's Foreign Income

Biden’s income from his international business ventures was central to the investigation. Between 2015 and 2019, Biden earned millions, but according to the prosecution, he failed to fulfill his tax obligations. Weiss, who led the investigation, planned to call multiple witnesses to testify, including some of Biden's former romantic partners, to detail his financial activities and personal life.

During the hearing, Biden acknowledged his responsibility for the crimes, admitting that he had not paid taxes on the income he earned. Weiss’s investigation had focused heavily on how Biden spent the money during his battles with addiction following the death of his brother, Beau Biden, in 2015.

Hunter Biden Reflects on His Struggles

In a statement released after the plea, Hunter Biden reflected on the toll the legal battles had taken on his family. He noted that the trial in Delaware, where he was convicted of three felonies earlier this year related to a gun purchase, had caused significant strain on his father, President Joe Biden. “I went to trial in Delaware not realizing the anguish it would cause my family, and I will not put them through it again,” he said.

Biden went on to express his frustration with the Department of Justice, accusing prosecutors of targeting him due to his struggles with addiction. “When it became clear to me that the same prosecutors were focused not on justice but on dehumanizing me for my actions during my addiction, there was only one path left for me,” he stated. “I will not subject my family to more pain, more invasions of privacy and needless embarrassment.”

Upcoming Sentencing and Additional Charges

Hunter Biden’s sentencing for the tax charges is scheduled for Dec. 16. He also faces sentencing for his prior conviction on gun-related felonies, which could add more prison time to his already uncertain future. The earlier conviction, also part of Weiss’s investigation, marked the first time in U.S. history that a sitting president’s child had been criminally convicted.

Despite the mounting legal challenges, President Joe Biden has remained firm in his stance against granting his son a pardon. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated the president’s position, stating, “I can say that it is still very much a ‘no’ to the questions that I have gotten about if the president is going to pardon his son.”

Embarrassment for the Biden Family

The tax case and the potential trial had posed a significant threat to the Biden family’s privacy and reputation. Witnesses such as Biden’s ex-girlfriends were expected to testify about the personal aspects of his life and finances. The prospect of such testimony, along with the ongoing media attention surrounding the case, had placed considerable stress on the family.

Hunter Biden's addiction battles were also a focal point of the prosecution’s case, further intensifying the emotional toll of the proceedings. The personal strain on the family was evident, as President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign has been shadowed by the ongoing legal troubles of his son.

Legal and Political Ramifications

As the legal battles continue, the political ramifications of Hunter Biden’s guilty plea are significant. The case has drawn attention from both sides of the political spectrum, with some accusing the Department of Justice of targeting the president’s son for political reasons, while others argue that the charges are justified and necessary.

Hunter Biden’s decision to plead guilty may have prevented a prolonged public trial, but it has not ended the legal challenges he faces. In addition to the tax charges, Biden will be sentenced for his prior conviction related to a gun purchase in November. His legal team has indicated that they will continue to fight for a fair outcome, but Biden is likely to face several years in prison regardless of the outcome of his sentencing hearings.


Hunter Biden’s decision to plead guilty to nine tax charges in California court avoided a lengthy trial but could result in years of imprisonment and substantial fines.

Special Counsel David Weiss's investigation into Biden's finances focused on his failure to pay over $1.4 million in taxes on foreign income.

Biden’s upcoming sentencing hearings for both his tax case and his previous gun-related convictions will determine his legal fate.

Despite his father, President Joe Biden, facing personal and political strain, the president has remained firm in his decision not to pardon his son.