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Hunter Biden associates questioned by Republicans over millions to China

 January 26, 2024

House Republicans have intensified their impeachment investigation into President Joe Biden, focusing on his potential involvement in his family's questionable financial dealings.

This heightened scrutiny comes as two of Biden's business associates, Mervyn Yan and John "Rob" Walker, are being compelled to provide testimony, as the Daily Mail reports.

These developments are a part of the broader effort by the GOP to trace financial transactions, allegedly linking Chinese businessman Yan and Biden family associate Walker to the Biden family's bank accounts through the use of shell companies.

Closed-Door Interviews and Hunter Biden's Upcoming Testimony

Yan and Walker have been subpoenaed for transcribed interviews with the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees, scheduled for Thursday and Friday.

These interviews are expected to shed light on the extent of Joe Biden's benefits from his son Hunter and brother James Biden's foreign business connections, particularly with Chinese entities.

Hunter Biden, after initially resisting a subpoena, has agreed to testify at the end of the next month, signaling a potential climax in the Republican-led investigation.

The Role of Rob Walker and Connections with China

Rob Walker, deemed a "surrogate" for the Biden family in business dealings, played a key role in forging profitable ventures with China and Romania.

He collaborated with Hunter Biden in Sinohawk Holdings, a joint venture with Chinese energy firm CEFC, led by its Chairman Ye Jianming. This partnership is under scrutiny, especially after Ye gifted Hunter a diamond in 2017, following Joe Biden's tenure as vice president.

However, Ye's arrest in China in March 2018 under bribery charges has raised further questions about the business's legitimacy.

Additionally, Yan, another CEFC executive, worked with Hunter on the Hudson West III venture, though his attorney claims Yan never had professional contact with President Biden.

Financial Transactions and Allegations of Money Laundering

A major point of concern for lawmakers is the alleged flow of millions of dollars from China and Romania through shell companies to the Biden family.

Republicans assert that Walker's "Robinson Walker, LLC" was a conduit for receiving foreign funds and transferring a percentage to Biden family members. This includes transactions involving Romanian Gabriel Popoviciu, who was under a corruption investigation.

Allegedly, Robinson Walker transferred over a million dollars to Biden family accounts, including Hunter's, after receiving funds from Chinese and Romanian sources.

In a revealing memo, the GOP documented how Hallie Biden received $35,000 from Walker following a $3 million wire transfer he received from Chinese State Energy HK Limited.

Moreover, Chairman James Comer (KY-01) highlighted a $40,000 payment to Joe Biden in 2017, labeled as a "loan repayment," which he claims is linked to the Chinese Communist Party-affiliated CEFC.

This revelation adds to the growing list of financial transactions involving the Bidens, including a $150,000 transfer to James and Sara Biden, followed by a direct payment to Joe Biden.

The Biden Family's Financial Gains: A Closer Look

The Republicans have spotlighted over $20 million in transactions from China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania linked to the Biden family and their associates.

This includes a $200,000 personal check from James Biden to Joe Biden, sourced from loans obtained by James from Americore, a healthcare business.

These loans were reportedly secured based on the influence of the Biden name. The GOP argues that these transactions are indicative of the Biden family leveraging political connections for financial gain.