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Hunter Biden attorneys set to meet with DOJ as criminal probe heats up

By Sarah May on
 April 22, 2023

Amid an ongoing federal criminal probe that has yet to yield charges, CNN reports that attorneys for first son Hunter Biden are poised to meet with officials from the Justice Department next week.

The group from the DOJ is said to include Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who has been heading that investigation from its 2018 inception, and at least one “senior career official” from the agency's D.C. Headquarters.

Meeting set

According to CNN, lawyers for Hunter Biden sought a meeting with DOJ officials at some point over the last few weeks in an effort to receive an update on the probe's status.

Though prosecutors were said to have narrowed the potential charges the president's son could face quite some time ago, no additional developments have been forthcoming.

Sources with knowledge of the investigation previously indicated that those charges may include misdemeanor counts for failure to file tax returns, a count of felony tax evasion, as well as a false statement charge related to a gun purchase application.

It remains unclear precisely when next week's sit-down will occur, and neither the DOJ generally, nor the Delaware U.S. attorney's office offered comment on the matter, according to CNN.

Implications uncertain

A source told Fox News that the upcoming meeting did not necessarily mean that a charging decision from the U.S. attorney was imminent, but its scheduling does coincide with new revelations about the probe from a prospective whistleblower with knowledge of the probe.

Just the News reported earlier this week that a longtime supervisory agent in the IRS' criminal division is laying the groundwork to come forward with allegations that “preferential treatment and politics” have intervened in the Hunter Biden probe, thus far preventing charges from being issued.

The putative whistleblower's lawyer sent a letter to key congressional leaders explaining that his client “has been overseeing the ongoing and sensitive investigation of a high-profile controversial subject since early 2020,” and though Hunter Biden is not mentioned specifically, a source close to the matter confirmed that he was the subject of the referenced probe.

According to the attorney, the IRS official's potential disclosures would “(1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected.”

Administration accused

Notably, the “senior administration appointee” referenced in the attorney's letter has since been confirmed as Attorney General Merrick Garland, according to the Daily Mail, who previously represented during congressional testimony that Weiss had complete control and unfettered discretion as to whether or not Hunter Biden would be charged, an assertion that has now been called into serious question.

The White House, for its part, has denied engaging in any “political interference” in the matter, according to Fox News and has attempted to cast doubt on the whistleblower's reported claims.

Asked last week for comment about the emergence of the whistleblower, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said only, “The president respects the rule of law and the independence of the Department of Justice.”

Administration spokesperson Iam Sams said Thursday, “Since he took office and consistent with his campaign promise that he would restore the independence of the Justice Department when it comes to decision-making in criminal investigations, President Biden has made clear that this matter would be handled independently by the Justice Department, under the leadership of a U.S. Attorney appointed by former President Trump, free from any political interference by the White House.”

Incredulity abounds

Despite those assurances from the White House, however, many remain skeptical, given the seemingly glacial pace that has characterized the Hunter Biden probe over the last few years.

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy reacted to the news of the whistleblower's claims by saying that while it was undoubtedly newsworthy, it was not remotely surprising.

“It is simply making the obvious explicit. It's been clear for five years that there are slam-dunk charges that could be brought against Hunter Biden, yet no action has been taken,” McCarthy said.

According to McCarthy, “the long-awaited though obvious answer” to the question of why no charges have issued as of yet “comes from the IRS whistleblower.” Whether the upcoming meeting between Hunter Biden and the DOJ spurs any new movement in the case, however, only time will tell.