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Hunter Biden begged his cousin to set him up with younger woman, texts reveal

By Sarah May on
 February 19, 2023

From his dalliances with his late brother's widow and prostitutes in all corners of the globe, Hunter Biden's personal life has never been dull, but it has now emerged that he also had his sights set on a young actress – his junior by a quarter of a century – and enlisted his cousin, Caroline Biden, to make necessary introductions, as the New York Post reports.

Text messages gleaned from the first son's now infamous laptop show that Biden's interest had been piqued by Nicola Peltz, who was 24 years old at the time but also had a series of other twenty-somethings on his list of potential conquests.

Hunter on the prowl

The text exchanges at issue occurred in early 2019, a time when Hunter Biden was receiving treatment at a Massachusetts rehab center, but apparently had his mind on certain other things.

Frustrated by his lack of recent success in the romantic realm, Hunter was discussing the situation with his cousin Caroline, daughter of Joe Biden's brother Jim Biden, and brainstorming potential targets of his amorous attentions.

During one such chat, Hunter mentioned that his psychiatrist had mentioned Peltz as someone he should date, someone the doctor posited could help his patient “break free” from his troubled relationship with Hallie Biden, who was married to his late brother, Beau Biden.

According to the message, Hunter's psychiatrist had happened to meet Peltz while on vacation and, thinking the pair might be a potential match, showed him a picture of the young actress.

Small world

The psychiatrist's mention of Peltz was particularly amusing to Hunter, because Caroline had already pledged to introduce the two, but somehow had not yet gotten around to it.

When her cousin raised the issue via text, Caroline replied, “Nicola Peltz!?!? See I told you. How f***ing pretty is she. And sweet. Did you tell her you're my cousin?”

Hunter replied, “I said my cousin knows her well and was supposed to set us up on a date, but she didn't [because] she's crazy like me.”

In subsequent texts, Caroline cautioned Hunter that he would have to secure the favor of the actress' uber-rich parents, Nelson and Claudia Peltz if a relationship was to have any chance of succeeding, but she indicated confidence that her wayward cousin could do just that.

“24 is great”

One of Nicola Peltz's attributes Hunter apparently found particularly appealing was her age, which was 24 at the time, despite the fact that he has children of his own in the same demographic.

Remarking on his own ability to win over a prospect such as Peltz, Hunter said, “24 is great. Seriously it's incredibly easy to impress a 24-year-old.”

As the Daily Mail noted, even if things with Peltz did not come to fruition, Hunter had no shortage of potential love interests, as he and Caroline also discussed model Bella Hadid and actress Bella Thorne – both in their 20s – as well as model Yasmina Jones and screenwriter Lucy Dahl, daughter of renowned author Roald Dahl.

Amid exhaustive exchanges regarding Hunter's future dating strategies and the attributes he prioritized in potential mates, the first son bluntly instructed Caroline, “Find me rich, hot and kind.”

Switching gears

Despite the urgency with which Hunter wanted an introduction to Peltz, or any other young, wealthy, impressionable female he could find, it was just a few months later that he tied the knot with his current wife, Melissa Cohen, in May 2019.

According to Page Six, Cohen had been involved in a long-term relationship with another man just weeks before her wedding to Hunter Biden, which took place mere days after the pair met.

“I instantly fell in love with her,” Biden said of his thirty-something bride. “And then I've fallen in love with her more every day.”

The couple went on to have a son, Joseph Robinette “Beau” Biden IV, in March 2020, and whether their marital union is permanent one, or Hunter's problematic interest in women half his age will rear its head once more, only time will tell.