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Hunter Biden hires top defense lawyer as GOP probe nears

By Sarah May on
 December 22, 2022

After reclaiming control of the House in the midterm elections, Republicans have vowed to launch aggressive probes into Hunter Biden's allegedly questionable business dealings, and according to ABC News, in apparent anticipation of those investigations, the first son has hired renowned defense attorney Abbe Lowell.

The high-powered lawyer has made a name for himself representing numerous well-known political figures on both sides of the aisle throughout his career, including Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), former Democrat Sen. John Edwards, as well as Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.

Far-reaching probes imminent

While the promise of extensive GOP-driven investigations certainly looms large, Hunter Biden is already the subject of a Department of Justice examination of tax matters related to his stint serving on the board of Ukrainian natural gas firm, Burisma, among other things.

Adding to Hunter's headaches are pledges from members of the incoming GOP House majority to leave no stone unturned when it comes to his potentially unlawful business dealings as well as his father's possible involvement in them, as the New York Post has noted.

The outlet revealed that Rep. James Comer (R-KY) is especially interested in learning more about a “potentially criminal” deal between a Hunter Biden-linked company and a Chinese energy conglomerate known as CEFC, which was seeking to sell natural gas from America to the Asian power.

Comer explained to the Post, “What we have learned from interviews is it was more than that. It was more than that. It was also an effort to try to help China get their foot in the door to try to purchase drillers so they could start buying ownership into the infrastructure of our American energy industry.”

The dangers of such arrangements, according to Comer, are manifest, with the congressman adding, “This is China trying to buy ownership into our American industry, which is a national security threat – and oh by the way it was being conducted by Joe Biden. That's a problem and that's why we are concerned that this White House is compromised.”

Offensive strategy mulled

Though Hunter Biden's problems appear to be multiplying in number, it was reported earlier this month that allies of his and of his father, President Joe Biden, have been urging a more offensive stance to the onslaught.

According to the Washington Post, a strategy session that included Hunter himself, Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris, liberal activist David Brock, and others occurred in which different approaches to responding to the legal difficulties likely on the way were discussed.

It was reportedly suggested by Morris that Hunter go on the offensive by pursuing legal action against a wide array of supposed enemies, including Fox News, Rudy Giuliani, Eric Trump, and others the lawyer believes have defamed the first son.

The Post further noted that during the meeting, which Hunter Biden attended virtually, Morris described opposition research that he said has been gathered on a pair of potential witnesses against the president's son, namely, his former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, and laptop whistleblower John Paul Mac Isaac.

The outlet further described talk of a “team of researchers” that has reportedly been enlisted to work collaboratively with attorneys tasked with impeding the progress of any House investigations and/or federal probes.

Competing strategies abound

Though some of Hunter Biden's friends believe an aggressive stance will serve him best in the months to come, the Post suggested that the White House is in favor of a lower-key approach designed to portray the first son as a private citizen who should not be targeted by Congress.

Therefore, by stepping into the fray in a public and perhaps belligerent way as some have advised him to do, Hunter Biden could attract even greater scrutiny from lawmakers, according to that line of thinking.

“Some involved in these efforts argue that Hunter Biden and Morris should stay out of the limelight so Democrats can focus on painting the Republican investigations as a partisan political exercise,” the Post report claimed, adding, “No one thinks this strategy of putting Hunter Biden front and center is smart.”

Even so, for several weeks, Hunter Biden has repeatedly made his way into the limelight as father of the bride at a recent wedding at the White House, by joining his father for a lavish Thanksgiving in Nantucket and turning up at numerous events at the people's house.

Notably, at a recent state dinner held in honor of French President Emanuel Macron, Hunter Biden reportedly approached Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA), a consistent critic of his father and potential speaker of the House, come January, and boldly engaged in a chat with the congressman and his mother.

Perhaps wary of the fallout such an approach could have on the president himself – who Republican lawmakers have suggested is the true target of the aforementioned probes – administration insiders have reportedly enlisted a top-gun lawyer of its own, namely, former President Barack Obama's onetime White House counsel, Bob Bauer.