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Hunter Biden Offered $250K To Silence Lunden Roberts Over Daughter

 July 5, 2024

Hunter Biden's attorney proposed $250,000 in hush money to Lunden Roberts in an attempt to keep their love child, Navy Joan, a secret, according to Roberts’ forthcoming book.

The book details Roberts' heartbreak and anger over Hunter Biden's attempts to evade responsibility for their daughter and what she perceived as a horribly offensive proposal, as the Daily Mail reports.

Hunter Biden's attorney allegedly approached Roberts with an offer of hush money to keep the existence of their child, Navy Joan, under wraps. This proposal, which included a $250,000 payout, came with the stipulation that Roberts would sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and agree to single-parent adopt Navy Joan, thereby excluding Hunter from the child's life.

Lunden Roberts recounted her emotional turmoil in her book, Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden, set for release on August 20. She described feeling an overwhelming sense of heartbreak and anger when faced with the Bidens' offer to essentially buy her silence and sever the father-daughter relationship.

DNA Test Confirms Paternity

The tension between Roberts and Hunter Biden dates back to 2018, when Roberts first discovered she was pregnant. At the time, Hunter was struggling with addiction to crack cocaine and exhibited neglectful behavior, according to Roberts. Despite initial denials from Hunter, a DNA test in 2019 confirmed that he was indeed the father of Navy Joan.

Following the confirmation of paternity, Roberts anticipated that Hunter would make efforts to connect with his daughter.

Instead, she was met with a proposal from Hunter's attorney, Clint Lancaster, who informed her that Hunter claimed financial hardship and suggested a single-parent adoption for Navy Joan.

Lunden Roberts Rejected The Offer

Roberts rejected the offer without hesitation, expressing her disbelief and frustration. She could not fathom how Hunter could place a monetary value on his daughter's existence and use it as a means to avoid his responsibilities as a father. In her book, Roberts voiced her ire, stating that all she sought was accountability and an apology, not financial compensation.

Clint Lancaster conveyed to Roberts that Hunter was willing to add $250,000 to the deal. Roberts described her reaction, indicating that no amount of money could compensate for the lack of a father's presence in a child's life.

She vehemently refused to sign the NDA and the adoption agreement, resolutely standing her ground against the Bidens' attempt to silence her.

Emotional Turmoil And Public Denials

Roberts' narrative also touched upon Hunter Biden's public denials of their relationship, where he claimed that they never had a sexual relationship. Despite these denials, legal actions were in motion.

On Nov. 20, coinciding with Joe Biden's birthday, Lancaster filed a motion with the court to establish paternity, marking a significant turn in the legal battle.

Hunter Biden, who has since become a key adviser to President Joe Biden, faced scrutiny not only for his personal actions but also for his handling of the situation involving his daughter. He retained legal representation to manage the case, but his lawyer did not respond to requests for comment from the Mail.

Navy Joan's Welfare At Forefront

Roberts emphasized her determination to prioritize her child's well-being above all else. She mentioned how she looked at her sleeping daughter and contemplated how anyone could not want to be a part of such a perfect angel's life. Her book aims to shed light on her experiences and the challenges she faced due to Hunter Biden's actions.

Roberts' account paints a picture of a mother fiercely protective of her child, unwilling to allow money to dictate the course of her daughter's life. She recounted how she decided to take legal action to ensure that Navy Joan received the recognition and support she deserved.


The forthcoming release of Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden promises to provide an in-depth look into Lunden Roberts' experiences with Hunter Biden, revealing the emotional and legal battles she faced. Hunter Biden's offer of $250,000 to silence Roberts and avoid responsibility for his daughter Navy Joan has brought to light the complexities and struggles within their strained relationship.

Roberts' unwavering stance against the proposal, her rejection of the NDA, and her pursuit of legal avenues to establish paternity underscore her dedication to her daughter's welfare. The book's release will further illuminate the intricacies of this high-profile case, as Roberts shares her own perspective and the trials she endured as a result of Hunter Biden's actions.

In conclusion, while Hunter Biden's attempts to evade responsibility have been met with resistance from Lunden Roberts, her forthcoming book promises to offer a comprehensive account of her journey and the impact on her and her daughter's lives. The narrative emphasizes her resilience and commitment to seeking justice for Navy Joan, against a backdrop of complex family dynamics and legal battles.