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Hunter Biden testified to Congress that he was ‘high or drunk' when writing Chinese business associate

By Samuel Lee on
 February 29, 2024

Hunter Biden testified to Congress about his physical state during a controversial message to a Chinese business associate.

During a recent congressional testimony, Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, made a startling admission. He claimed that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when he sent a message to a Chinese business associate in 2017. He further stated that he was with his father. This message was sent just before a significant sum of money was transferred into accounts linked to the Biden family. This raised questions about the involvement of the President, the New York Post reports.

Revelations from Hunter Biden's Congressional Testimony

The testimony was part of an impeachment inquiry deposition. Exclusively, held behind closed doors. Hunter Biden's statement has stirred controversy. It touches upon the integrity and operations of the Biden family's business dealings. This is particularly with foreign entities.

According to the readout provided to the media, Hunter Biden expressed embarrassment over the message he sent. He admitted to being intoxicated at the time and sending the message to the wrong recipient. This admission brings into question the reliability and credibility of his communications during that period.

Hunter also clarified that despite the implications of the message, his father, President Joe Biden, was not present with him when the message was sent. This was confirmed despite photographic evidence from Hunter's laptop suggesting he was at his father's home on the day in question.

The clarification aims to distance the President from the potentially compromising situation.

A second source confirmed Hunter's claim about his state when writing the message.

This revelation adds another layer to the complex narrative surrounding the Biden family's business dealings, particularly with foreign entities.

The Intricate Web of Biden Family's Business Dealings

The WhatsApp message in question has been a significant point of contention, as it seemingly implicated Joe Biden in the dealings with CEFC China Energy, a Chinese state-linked company. The involvement of IRS agents and allegations of a Justice Department cover-up add to the intrigue and complexity of the case.

The financial transactions between CEFC and the Biden family, particularly the transfer of $5.1 million to Biden-linked accounts, have been under scrutiny.

The timing of these transactions, shortly after Hunter's message and a meeting between Joe Biden and CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming, raises questions about the nature and purpose of these funds.

Former business associates of the Biden family have provided testimony that further complicates the narrative. They have described the flow of money and proposed business ventures involving Joe Biden, suggesting a deeper involvement in the family's business operations than previously acknowledged.

Political Repercussions and Public Scrutiny

The congressional testimony and the details it revealed have sparked a political debate. House Republicans view the testimony as a crucial piece of the impeachment inquiry, suggesting contradictions that warrant further investigation.

Democrats, on the other hand, argue that the evidence presented does not meet the threshold of "high crimes and misdemeanors" necessary for impeachment. They emphasize the lack of direct evidence implicating Joe Biden in any wrongdoing.

The public and media's attention on Hunter Biden's personal struggles with addiction has also become a focal point. Republicans have criticized his credibility, while his attorney has accused them of focusing more on his addiction than on substantive issues related to the impeachment inquiry.

Broader Implications for the Biden Presidency

The ongoing impeachment inquiry and the revelations from Hunter Biden's testimony have broader implications for the Biden presidency. They bring to light questions about the extent of Joe Biden's awareness and involvement in his family's business dealings, challenging his previous statements of detachment.

The inquiry also delves into Hunter Biden's various sources of income since his father became president, including art sales and a patronage arrangement, further blurring the lines between personal and political interests.

As the impeachment inquiry moves to its next phase, the public hearing is expected to bring more clarity to these complex issues.

However, the political and familial dynamics at play ensure that the controversy surrounding the Biden family's business dealings will continue to be a point of contention and public interest.


  • Hunter Biden admitted to being under the influence when he sent a controversial message to a Chinese associate.
  • The testimony raises questions about the Biden family's business dealings with foreign entities, especially China.
  • Financial transactions between the Biden family and CEFC China Energy are under scrutiny.
  • Political debates ensue, with Republicans pushing for further investigation and Democrats defending the President.
  • The broader implications for the Biden presidency include challenges to Joe Biden's claims of non-involvement in family business dealings.
  • The public hearing in the impeachment inquiry is anticipated to provide more clarity on these matters.