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Hunter Biden texts reveal anti-Asian slur

By Sarah May on
 April 24, 2023

The laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden in a Delaware repair shop years ago has yielded no shortage of embarrassing revelations, but perhaps among the most scarring to the first son is a racist text message included in a 2019 chat with his cousin, Caroline Biden, as the Daily Mail reports.

In the back-and-forth between the two family members about prospective romantic interests, President Joe Biden's second son used the derogatory term “yellow” to describe Asian women.

“No yellow”

In the midst of a particularly tumultuous time in his personal life, Hunter Biden was corresponding with Caroline Biden about the new direction in which he was hoping to take his life.

His relationship with his late brother's widow, Hallie Biden, had taken difficult turns, and he was reportedly attempting to identify a new group of eligible females on whom he could set his sights, and he enlisted his cousin's help in the recruiting process.

Willing to oblige, Caroline Biden asked Hunter about the sorts of women in which he had the greatest interest, asking at one point, “Do you want foreign or domestic. I can't give you f***ing Asian sorry. I'm not doing it.”

Seemingly unbothered by her use of the slur, Hunter Biden repeated it himself, saying, “Domesticated foreigner is fine. No yellow.”

Racism redux

As the New York Post reported back in 2021, Hunter Biden's laptop yielded a trove of additional text exchanges incorporating an offensive racial slur, though mainstream media outlets devoted little attention to the fact.

Specifically, the messages show the manner in which Hunter routinely referred to his white lawyer using the N-word.

One such conversation had Biden communicating with attorney George Mesires about his current legal fee balance. “How much money do I owe you,” he asked. “Becaause [sic] n***a you better not be charging me Hennessy rates.”

In a separate, exceptionally lewd chat, Hunter Biden told Mesires, “I only love you because you're black.” the lawyer replied, “It's so annoying when you interject with frivolity,” which prompted Biden to retort, “True dat n***a.”

Embarrassments abound

The racist tone of many of Hunter Biden's text messages never gained much traction from mainstream journalists, but neither did the exchanges he had with his cousin in which the pair plotted his next amorous conquests.

In one eyebrow-raising discussion, Hunter Biden explained to Caroline Biden that his interest had been piqued by actress and heiress Nicola Peltz, who was 24 years old at the time, as the Mail also noted.

During one of their exchanges in which Hunter was brainstorming romantic options, Hunter said that his psychiatrist had suggested Peltz as someone he might want to date, as she was someone who could help him “break free” from his troubled relationship with Hallie.

That recommendation was apparently amusing to Hunter, because Caroline had already raised the idea of her friend Peltz as a possible candidate for his affections but had yet to arrange a meeting between the two.

“24 is great”

When Hunter recounted the chat with the psychiatrist, Caroline replied excitedly, “Nicola Peltz!?!? See I told you. How f***king pretty is she. And sweet. Did you tell her you're my cousin?”

In subsequent texts, Caroline told Hunter that in order to score with Peltz, he would have to win the favor of her ultra-rich parents, Nelson and Claudia, but she did not appear to see that as a major obstacle.

Neither did Hunter, as he replied regarding his young target, “24 is great. Seriously, it's incredibly easy to impress a 24-year-old.”

Whether for its evidence of Hunter Biden's habit of lobbing racist slurs in casual conversation or of his plots to woo young women he deemed “rich, hot, and kind,” the abandoned laptop has been a never-ending source of arguably very damning glimpses into the first son's character.