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Hunter Biden Tried to Silence Lunden Roberts with $250K NDA

 July 7, 2024

Hunter Biden's attorney attempted to use hush money to keep his relationship with Lunden Roberts and their child, Navy Joan, a secret.

This revelation is part of Roberts' forthcoming book detailing her relationship with Hunter and his unsavory actions following the confirmation of his paternity, as the Daily Mail reports.

Hunter Biden Offered Money to Silence Roberts

Roberts' upcoming memoir, titled, Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden, reveals that Hunter Biden's attorney offered her a substantial sum as hush money. The intent was to prevent the news of their child, Navy Joan, from becoming public knowledge.

According to the book's claims, Hunter Biden was prepared to pay $250,000 to ensure Roberts would remain silent and that he would not be a part of their daughter Navy Joan's life. The proposal left Roberts feeling deeply hurt and resentful. The heart-wrenching disclosure comes as Hunter Biden takes on a significant advisory role with President Joe Biden.

Beginnings of the Relationship

Lunden Roberts and Hunter Biden's relationship commenced during a tumultuous period in Biden's life, when he was struggling with addiction to crack cocaine. Their casual dating led to Roberts discovering she was pregnant in 2018.

A subsequent DNA test conducted in Oklahoma City in 2019 confirmed that Hunter Biden was indeed the father of Roberts' child, Navy Joan. This discovery marked a pivotal moment in their tumultuous relationship.

Roberts, at the time, believed that Hunter would make an effort to bond with his daughter once paternity was confirmed. However, she was met with unexpected resistance.

Hunter Biden's Initial Reaction to Paternity News

Upon learning the results of the DNA test, Hunter Biden's reaction was far from what Roberts had anticipated. He claimed to be financially destitute, attempting to distance himself further from his responsibilities.

Roberts expressed her frustration over this response, emphasizing that an apology and accountability were what she expected from the father of her child. Her disappointment was compounded by the suggestion made by Hunter's attorney.

The attorney proposed that Roberts consider a single-parent adoption of Navy Joan, a suggestion that left Roberts bewildered and angered.

Please Sign An NDA

Further discussions suggested that Roberts sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to keep the paternity results under wraps. The sum of $250,000 was reportedly offered for her compliance, a proposal that Roberts vehemently rejected.

Roberts' lawyer, Clint Lancaster, recounted the incredulous reaction she had towards the idea of adopting her own daughter. This suggestion, according to her, was a clear attempt to absolve Hunter of any paternal responsibilities.

The situation intensified when Hunter's team made the NDA offer in an attempt to cover up the paternity results and silence Roberts.

Hunter Denies Relationship with Roberts

Before the paternity test confirmed his role as the father, Hunter Biden had previously denied the relationship with Roberts to the New Yorker. This further complicated the narrative and led to legal action by Roberts' attorney.

On Nov. 20 of that year, which coincidentally was also Joe Biden's birthday, a motion was filed in court to establish paternity. This act further entrenched the legal battle between Roberts and Hunter Biden.

A request for comment sent to a lawyer for Hunter Biden by went unanswered.

Book's Release and Final Thoughts

Roberts' book, Out of the Shadows, set for release on Aug. 20, delves deep into her experiences with Hunter Biden and her struggles following the confirmation of Navy Joan's paternity.

Her poignant reflections on the ordeal emphasize the emotional toll it has taken on her and her daughter. The narrative paints a vivid picture of a mother fighting for the rights and recognition of her child.

The contents of the book are expected to shed light on the complexities of her relationship with Hunter and the lengths he went to in order to avoid his parental responsibilities.

In conclusion, the saga involving Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts is a tale of heartbreak, legal battles, and a mother's unwavering commitment to her daughter. From the offer of hush money to the suggestion of single-parent adoption, Roberts' story is a striking reminder of the challenges faced by those seeking accountability and recognition.