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Hunter Biden Urges Joe to Stay in Race Amid Family Meeting at Camp David: Report

 July 1, 2024

Hunter Biden is reportedly pushing for his father, President Joe Biden, to remain in the presidential race despite a poor debate performance, as the family gathered at Camp David to discuss the campaign's future.

While huddled at the presidential retreat, the first son is said to be advocating for his father to continue his bid despite growing concerns among party elites about his reelection prospects, as the New York Post reports.

The discussion follows a Thursday debate iw hich President Biden’s performance was widely criticized. He was noted for mumbling, stumbling over words, and having blank stares during the event. These issues have raised concerns within the family and among advisers about the campaign’s viability.

Family Gathers to Assess Campaign Strategy

Hunter Biden, deeply invested in his father's success, is urging him to push forward. According to the New York Times, Hunter wants the public to see the president as “feisty and able to command.”

This sentiment is shared by some family members who believe President Biden still has the capability to win the race.

The Bidens gathered at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland, for a weekend meeting. This gathering included not only the president and first lady Jill Biden but also their children and grandchildren.

The White House stated that the gathering was pre-arranged for a photo shoot with photographer Annie Leibovitz, although the timing coincided with the debate aftermath.

Criticisms of Debate Preparation

Family members expressed their concerns over the president’s debate preparation. They noted that overloading him with statistics may have contributed to his pale appearance on television. Despite these criticisms, there remains a belief among some family members that President Biden can still present himself as a strong candidate.

One of Biden’s grandchildren has offered to support the campaign by arranging interviews with social media influencers. This reflects the family’s attempt to modernize their approach and appeal to a broader, younger audience.

Discussions on Future Campaign Tactics

The president's advisers are currently debating whether he should hold a general news conference or conduct individual interviews to change the narrative. The objective is to present a more favorable image of President Biden to the public and counteract the negative impressions from the debate.

A critical call with Democratic fundraisers is scheduled for Monday, highlighting the urgency of addressing these issues. This call will likely influence the direction of the campaign and provide insights into the support President Biden still has within the party.

Final Decision Lies with President and First Lady

According to NBC News, the ultimate decision on whether President Biden will continue his candidacy rests with him and first lady Jill Biden.

A source noted, “The decision-makers are two people -- it’s the president and his wife.” This emphasizes the personal and familial nature of the decision.

Fundraising Efforts Continue

Over the weekend, President Biden attended fundraisers in the Hamptons and at the mansion of New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy. These events are crucial for securing the financial support needed to sustain the campaign.

Hunter Biden remains hopeful and determined to see his father continue in the race. His efforts to reframe the president's image are aimed at demonstrating his father’s leadership qualities and ability to command.


In conclusion, the Biden family is deeply engaged in discussions about the future of President Joe Biden’s campaign following a challenging debate performance.

Hunter Biden is a vocal advocate for continuing the race, while the family considers various strategies to improve public perception. The ultimate decision lies with President Biden and first lady Jill Biden, who are expected to weigh all options carefully before making a final determination.

Overall, the campaign faces a pivotal moment as it seeks to regain momentum and present President Biden as a capable and commanding leader.