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Hunter Biden used his family’s FBI contacts on behalf of Chinese business partner

 March 31, 2023

Members of President Joe Biden's family, particularly his son Hunter, have been accused of enriching themselves off the family name by influence-peddling in foreign business deals, and it appears that an example of exactly that has now been revealed.

A whistleblower with connections to a former Chinese business associate of Hunter Biden says the president's son had a high-level "mole" in the FBI that he utilized to provide secret Bureau information to the Chinese business partner, the Daily Mail reported.

The whistleblower is Israeli energy expert Dr. Gal Luft, who previously hosted conferences alongside Biden's former business partner Patrick Ho, who was previously the Deputy Chairman and Secretary General of the China Energy Fund Committee that reportedly paid the Biden family more than $5 million.

Luft is currently in jail awaiting extradition to the U.S. on what he claims are baseless arms trafficking charges intended to silence him, while Ho – who paid Hunter $1 million to be his lawyer in 2017 – was convicted in 2018 of bribery and money laundering.

Alleged FBI mole named "One-Eye"

The New York Post's Miranda Devine reported last week that Dr. Luft has alleged Hunter Biden had a current or former high-level FBI mole nicknamed "One-Eye" who was "extremely well placed, who they paid lots of money to [provide] sealed law enforcement information."

That information came through Luft's U.S.-based attorney, Robert Henoch, and was based on Luft's prior conversations with Ye Jianming, the former boss of Ho and chairman of CEFC, who disappeared in China in 2018 after being charged with corruption.

The Daily Mail has now reported on an email purportedly recovered from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop that was sent from a U.S. law firm he hired to help represent Ho that asked Biden to use his Bureau contacts to obtain the names of certain FBI agents on the same day that Ho was arrested by federal agents.

Biden's reply simply stated, "Working on it."

"Explosive" info provided to feds years ago

Per the Post's Devine, Luft already shared that information and much more about Hunter Biden with federal investigators in 2019, roughly one month before Joe Biden announced his presidential campaign, but according to Luft's attorney Henoch, "The DOJ had this information in March 2019 and did nothing."

"Congress has the Biden bank records but it doesn’t know the reason for the payments. Now it does," the attorney added in reference to recent revelations from the House Oversight Committee about wire transfers to Biden family members from a CEFC affiliate through a third-party associate.

"The information that the whistleblower Dr. Luft gave the DOJ four years ago is the missing link for the reason behind the China-Biden money transfers. Clearly, this is explosive stuff," Henoch added.

Arrested on "politically motivated" charges

Luft announced via Twitter on Feb. 18 that he'd been arrested at the airport in Cyprus on a "politically motivated extradition request by the U.S." which alleged he was an international arms dealer, and wrote, "I've never been an arms dealer. DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden. Shall I name names?"

At the time of his arrest, the Jerusalem Post reported that Luft's Israeli attorney, Mordecai Tzivin, told Israeli news outlet Ynet that his client had been specifically targeted for retribution because of the information he had provided years earlier about the Biden family's business dealings.

Tzivin said the allegations that Luft was illegally running guns to China and Libya "would be a good way to shut him up" because "he knows a lot of information on Hunter. The Senate only recently began to investigate Hunter's case and Gal's testimony, if [he is allowed to testify] will bury Hunter Biden."

"Even more so, his testimony will shift the attention toward the president himself," the attorney added along with the assertion that the Democratic Party would like to make Luft "disappear," and noted, "If this would have happened in Russia, they would have carried out a 'diplomatic car crash,' but luckily, he is in a safe location where no one can hurt him."

Oversight Committee looking into claims

The Washington Free Beacon reported in early March that House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (KY-01) told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that he was investigating Luft's claims about the Biden family following his arrest and said, "We’re reaching out to him. We’re trying to communicate. We’re setting up a call."

The committee chairman added at that time, "We’ve had three people that were involved in the Hunter Biden shady business schemes that have communicated with my committee staff this week. I think that’s a sign of good things to come."