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Hunter Biden’s lawyers demand update from DOJ as potential indictment looms

 April 27, 2023

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has reportedly been under federal investigation for the past few years with regard to possible tax law violations related to his questionable foreign business dealings and alleged influence peddling.

Recent reports indicate that Biden's attorneys requested and received a meeting with federal investigators for an update on the status of the probe and potentially looming criminal indictment on federal charges, the Daily Mail reported.

The meeting comes amid whistleblower accusations that the first son has received "preferential treatment" – an allegation that a majority of Americans believe and think is a serious scandal, according to a recent poll.

Requested Meeting for Update on Investigation

CNN reported that following a request in recent weeks from Hunter Biden's attorneys, a meeting was held on Wednesday with officials from the Justice Department's tax division and the U.S. Attorney's Office in Delaware.

U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a holdover from the Trump administration, has been leading the probe that has been ongoing for at least the past few years.

Per unnamed sources said to be familiar with the matter, Biden's attorneys had requested the meeting to receive an update from prosecutors in light of recent reports that criminal charges could be imminent.

Sources say that prosecutors are considering moving forward with four criminal charges –  two misdemeanors for failing to file taxes, one felony count of tax evasion related to business expenses, and one felony count for making a false statement regarding his admitted drug abuse on a federal firearm purchase form.

IRS Whistleblower Comes Forward

That meeting between Hunter Biden's attorneys and DOJ officials came about a week after NBC News reported that an IRS special agent had come forward through an attorney and requested whistleblower protection from Congress in relation to the federal investigation into the president's son.

That anonymous IRS agent, described by his attorney Mark Lytle as a "career IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent," is purported to have been serving in a leading role in the probe of a "high profile, controversial subject" who has been separately identified and confirmed by other sources as Hunter Biden.

The agent is said to be prepared to deliver testimony to relevant congressional committees about an alleged ongoing coverup in the Biden probe that involves the failure of other officials to address "clear conflicts of interest" as well as examples of "preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols."

In response to the whistleblower, an attorney for Hunter Biden released a statement that didn't address the specific allegations put forward but rather attacked the IRS agent for allegedly committing a felony of their own by improperly disclosing information about an ongoing tax investigation.

Attorney General Garland implicated

The whistleblower further alleged the existence of evidence that would "contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee" who, according to the New York Post, has been separately identified and confirmed by unnamed sources as Attorney General Merrick Garland.

That allegation of perjury by the attorney general is likely in reference to the fact that Garland has on multiple occasions testified under oath to Congress that there would be no political interference or improper pressure placed on U.S. Attorney Weiss or other investigators in the Biden probe.

The Post further noted that in addition to the four possible charges related to tax law violations and lying on the gun purchase form, prosecutors under Weiss have also been looking into allegations of money laundering and unregistered foreign lobbying related to his foreign business dealings.

Poll Shows Majority Believe Whistleblower Allegations

Meanwhile, the Washington Examiner reported on a recent poll conducted by Rasmussen Reports with regard to the IRS whistleblower's allegations and found that nearly 70 percent of Americans believe those allegations of political interference and preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden investigation are true and a "serious scandal" for the president.

A total of 69 percent of all Americans – including 82 percent of Republicans, 71 percent of independents, and 53 percent of Democrats –think the "preferential treatment" allegations are an at least "somewhat serious" scandal, which includes 68 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents, and even 30 percent of Democrats who say it is a "very serious" scandal.

However, the pollsters also found that only a 40 percent minority believe that the scandal will result in impeachment charges against President Biden, including 44 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of Republicans, and 30 percent of independents.