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Hunter Biden’s stripper ex describes him as black sheep of the family, which led him to doing drugs

 August 8, 2023

Hunter Biden's former friend and lover, Allie Kennedy, has shed light on his tumultuous past and his quest for his father's approval.

In a recent interview with DailyMail, Kennedy, a former stripper and close friend of Hunter Biden, shared intimate details about their relationship and Hunter's struggles. She painted a picture of a man deeply affected by family dynamics and personal tragedies.

Craving for father's love and approval

Kennedy revealed that Hunter always felt overshadowed by his older brother, Beau. She described Hunter as someone who felt like the "black sheep" of the family, always second to Beau.

After Beau's tragic death from cancer in 2015, Hunter's life took a downward spiral, leading to years of negative headlines involving drugs, questionable business dealings, and liaisons with prostitutes.

Kennedy said:

I truly think that he's been lost since he was a little boy. He’d say that he was the black sheep and he’d always been second to Beau.

Generosity and lavish spending

Despite his personal challenges, Kennedy highlighted Hunter's generosity. She recalled instances where he would spontaneously give money to homeless individuals they encountered.

However, she also mentioned his lavish spending habits, which were funded by his overseas business dealings.

The woman's relationship with Hunter began in 2017, when she was working as a stripper in Manhattan.

Their friendship grew over time, with Hunter frequently calling her for spray tans and dinners whenever he was in town.

Drug addiction and personal struggles

Kennedy didn't shy away from discussing Hunter's drug addiction. She recounted the shock she felt when Hunter pulled out a crack pipe during one of their early meetings. Over time, she realized the extent of his addiction and tried to support him in staying sober.

She also touched upon Hunter's relationship with Hallie, Beau's widow. Kennedy described their bond as a "trauma bond," with both of them turning to drugs for solace.

Kennedy said:

One night he (Hunter) left me and Hallie at the table together at dinner, She slid next to me and said “I know it looks weird. You're probably judging me. But I never cheated on my husband. She wanted to make it very clear to me. I was like, cheated on your husband or not, this is your brother-in-law. This is so frickin' weird. She was also on crack, she was probably paranoid that I was judging her.

Attempts to help Hunter

Throughout their friendship, Kennedy tried to help Hunter stay off drugs. She would check on him daily and be there for him whenever he felt the urge to use.

However, she admitted that there were times when she caught him using, leading to confrontations and emotional moments.

Kennedy also introduced Hunter to her friend, Zoe Kestan. However, she regretted this decision as Kestan allegedly enabled Hunter's drug use during a binge in Los Angeles.

End of their friendship

Kennedy's friendship with Hunter came to an abrupt end around 2019, just as Joe Biden began his presidential campaign.

She recalled their last meeting, where Hunter seemed erratic and hinted at impending media revelations about him.

The adult entertainer expressed her disappointment in Hunter for not defending her when compromising photos from his abandoned laptop surfaced online.

Despite this, Kennedy stated that she forgives Biden and believes that he has been manipulated by those around him.

Kennedy concluded:

I think he's had a hard life. At his core he is a soft and very easily manipulated person. He’s been used by his father. I think it hurts his heart because he knows that, and that’s why he’s so self-destructive.


  • Hunter Biden's past struggles and quest for his father's approval were highlighted by his former friend, Allie Kennedy.
  • Kennedy described Hunter as the "black sheep" of the Biden family, always feeling overshadowed by his older brother, Beau.
  • Despite his personal challenges, Hunter was known for his generosity, often giving money to the homeless.
  • Kennedy tried to support Hunter in his battle against drug addiction, but there were moments of confrontation and heartbreak.
  • Their friendship ended around 2019, with Kennedy expressing disappointment in Hunter's actions but ultimately forgiving him.