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Hunter's Legal Woes Prompt Biden Regret Over Garland Pick: Report

 October 10, 2024

President Joe Biden has reportedly battled conflicting feelings ab0ut his choice of Merrick Garland as attorney general, largely due to his son's legal woes.

Biden has reportedly voiced regret about choosing Garland to serve as AG, given the trajectory of the federal legal actions against Hunter Biden in recent years, as the Washington Examiner reports

Upon taking office, Biden's appointment of Garland fulfilled a long-awaited promotion for the longtime legal practitioner. Garland was previously nominated to ascend to the U.S. Supreme Court but that possibility never advanced due to political maneuvering during an election year. However, his appointment to the AG role has taken a more complicated turn for the president due to Hunter Biden's ongoing legal troubles.

The first son is embroiled in two major legal cases. One is focused in California and involves financial misconduct. He has admitted to nine charges, including forgery and tax evasion.

Initially, he sought an Alford plea, wherein a defendant acknowledges the evidence but does not admit guilt, but this was rejected by prosecutors, leading to an open plea of guilt.

Hunter Biden's Legal Struggles

Concurrently, Hunter has faced a separate set of charges in Delaware. These involved allegations of misleading declarations about drug use while purchasing a firearm and brought potential consequences of decades behind bars if convicted, which he was earlier this year. The sentencing in this case is pending, set to occur in mid-December.

As these legal proceedings unfold, Joe Biden has largely remained silent about his son's predicament and whether a grant of presidential clemency is in the offing.

His public comments have been minimal, although he has acknowledged the outcome of the Delaware trial, emphasizing his respect for the ongoing judicial process.

Biden's remark to an associate reportedly expressed regret over choosing Garland, suggesting, “Should never have picked Garland.” As more layers of legal complexity reveal themselves, it appears this decision continues to weigh heavily on him.

Legal Outcomes and Presidential Powers

Another legal date in December for sentencing awaits in California, reinforcing the political timing of these events. As these legal proceedings edge closer to conclusion, questions emerge about whether Biden might employ his presidential powers to alter or reduce his son's penalties.

Timing, however, could lessen the political impacts of such a decision. The December sentencing dates occur after the November election, suggesting that any potential electoral consequences might be mitigated by the timing of these events.

Hunter Biden's case has attracted significant attention, both due to the charges themselves and their context within the political arena. Joe Biden's reported lament that “This is never going to f***ing go away” reflects the ongoing challenges posed by the situation. The nature of these allegations and the potential long-term consequences loom large over both father and son.

Biden's Consideration of Commutation Powers

While Biden expresses his continued respect for the judiciary process, the complexity of Hunter's situation leaves open a significant decision for the president: the use of commutation powers.

With the legal processes still unfolding, especially with impending sentencing, speculation abounds regarding what action, if any, Biden might take.

Given that any commutation action would occur post-elections, potential ramifications within the electoral landscape might be less severe. Nonetheless, the political dimensions of such a decision could have lasting reverberations.

In sum, President Joe Biden's decision to elevate Merrick Garland to become attorney general has reportedly drawn regret as Hunter Biden's legal cases progress.

The implications of these events will continue be felt as further developments unfold, with the president staying cautiously reserved on his public stance.

It remains to be seen if Biden will leverage his commutation powers or maintain a path of non-interference. Regardless of the path chosen, these circumstances underscore the entwined nature of legal considerations and political reality in the current administration.