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Illinois judge removes Trump from ballot over alleged role in Jan. 6 unrest

 February 29, 2024

An Illinois judge has decided to remove Donald Trump from the state's primary ballot amid ongoing legal debates over his eligibility.

In a significant legal move, Cook County Judge Tracie Porter ruled against Donald Trump's inclusion on the Illinois primary ballot, pending a U.S. Supreme Court decision on the matter. The ruling temporarily sidelines the former president, adding to the legal challenges he faces across the country, as reported by The Sun.

Legal battles loom over Trump's election eligibility

The decision comes as the nation's highest court deliberates on whether Trump can be disqualified from running for president due to claims about his involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol breach. Judge Porter's ruling is on hold until Friday, allowing time for an appeal.

Porter expressed her understanding that her decision might not be final, acknowledging the ongoing legal processes at higher levels. The complexity of the case reflects the unprecedented nature of the legal questions surrounding Trump's eligibility.

In a related development, the Colorado Supreme Court previously found Trump ineligible to run for president, marking a rare and historic application of the 14th Amendment's Section 3. This decision, along with others from states like Maine and Illinois, highlights the growing legal scrutiny Trump faces.

Trump's legal team prepares for Supreme Court showdown

The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to make a crucial decision on the issue, with arguments heard earlier this month. The Court's upcoming ruling is eagerly awaited, as it could have far-reaching implications for Trump's political future.

Legal experts are closely watching the Supreme Court's deliberations, particularly in light of its skepticism displayed toward Colorado's position during oral arguments.

The resolution of this legal uncertainty is crucial, given the imminent primary elections.

Attorney Caryn Lederer, representing those challenging Trump's candidacy in Illinois, hailed the decision as a significant victory. The legal battles in Illinois, Maine, and Colorado contribute to the complex legal landscape Trump navigates.

Trump's perspective on presidential immunity and legal challenges

Trump has publicly commented on the legal proceedings, particularly regarding his claim of presidential immunity.

He argues that without such immunity, a president's ability to govern effectively could be compromised.

On his social media platform, Truth Social, Trump expressed gratitude for the Supreme Court's decision, announced this week, to also consider the issue of presidential immunity.

He warned of the potential consequences for the presidency if his assertion of immunity is not upheld.

Trump has consistently denied wrongdoing, framing the legal actions against him as politically motivated attacks. He vows to continue fighting the charges, emphasizing his commitment to appealing adverse decisions.

Trump's political journey amidst legal turmoil

Despite the legal challenges, Trump remains a dominant figure in the Republican Party, achieving significant victories in recent primaries. His performance in states like Michigan, New Hampshire, and South Carolina underscores his enduring influence within the party.

Trump's success in these early races, even as he faces legal scrutiny, highlights his political resilience. His ability to secure delegate support and win over voters suggests that his base remains strong.

Nikki Haley, Trump's main Republican primary rival, has faced a series of defeats but remains determined to continue her presidential campaign.


  • Judge Tracie Porter ruled to remove Donald Trump from the Illinois primary ballot, pending a U.S. Supreme Court decision.
  • The legal challenges stem from Trump's alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack and question his eligibility under the 14th Amendment.
  • The Supreme Court's decision on Trump's eligibility and presidential immunity is highly anticipated, with significant implications for his political aspirations.
  • Despite legal battles, Trump continues to demonstrate political strength in the Republican primaries, underscoring his influence within the party.