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In Virginia, the verdict is in: 59% of voters disapprove of Biden’s job performance

 January 25, 2024

Recent polls in Virginia reveal significant disapproval of President Joe Biden's job performance, contrasting with the approval of Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin.

A survey conducted by the Wason Center for Civic Leadership at Christopher Newport University has brought to light the dissatisfaction of Virginia voters with President Joe Biden's administration.

The poll indicates that 59% of the participants disapprove of Biden's job performance, marking a 2-point decrease from the previous year. In contrast, Youngkin enjoys a favorable view among Virginians, with an approval rating of 50% against a 39% disapproval, as FOX News reported.

Virginia's contrasting views on leadership

The survey not only reflects growing disapproval of Biden's performance.

It also highlights a concerning perspective on the nation's direction.

A mere 20% of the respondents believe that the country is moving in the right direction.

On the other hand, a significant 71% see it heading towards the wrong path.

This sentiment starkly contrasts with the views on the state's direction, where 43% of Virginians are content with the current trajectory, compared to 37% who are not.

These findings are echoed in another poll conducted by Virginia Commonwealth University, further solidifying the challenging position Biden faces as he approaches the 2024 reelection.

The VCU survey shows that while 37% disapprove of Biden's job performance, Youngkin receives a thumbs-up from 54% of the voters.

Biden's uphill battle in Virginia

The polls suggest a tough road ahead for Biden in Virginia, a state he previously won over former President Donald Trump by a 10-point margin in the 2020 elections.

However, current data indicates that in a potential rematch, Trump trails Biden by only 3 points, a significant narrowing of the gap.

Rebecca Bromley-Trujillo from CNU commented on the situation, stating:

It’s really looking rough for Biden.

The president's recent actions, including a verbal jab at Youngkin during a reelection campaign event in Virginia, might not be aiding his cause.

Biden's attempt to humorously refer to Terry McAuliffe as the "real governor" of Virginia was met with criticism, prompting Virginia's Attorney General Jason Miyares to question Biden's acknowledgment of election results.

Youngkin's likeability factor

Despite the Republican party's recent loss of control in the General Assembly, Youngkin maintains a strong approval rating.

Bromley-Trujillo attributes this to his likeability and moderate stance, which resonates well across party lines.

She notes that Virginians tend to view their governors more favorably than the president, a trend that seems to benefit Youngkin.


  • Recent polls showcase a significant disapproval of President Joe Biden's job performance among Virginia voters, with 59% expressing dissatisfaction.
  • Contrastingly, Gov. Glenn Youngkin receives a favorable approval rating, with 50% of Virginians supporting his leadership.
  • The nation's direction is a major concern for Virginians, with 71% believing it's on the wrong path, while 43% are satisfied with the state's trajectory.
  • Challenges loom for Biden in the 2024 reelection, especially in Virginia, a previously secured state where the gap between him and potential contenders is narrowing.
  • Biden's recent remarks and actions in Virginia, particularly his comment about Terry McAuliffe, have sparked criticism and raised questions about his approach to the state's political dynamics.
  • Despite setbacks for the Republican party in the General Assembly, Youngkin's likeability and moderate stance continue to garner cross-party approval, setting him apart from the broader national political sentiment.