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IRS whistleblower breaks cover to reveal Hunter Biden scandal details

By Sarah May on
 May 25, 2023

Weeks after news broke that an IRS whistleblower was prepared to make disclosures regarding alleged political interference with the agency's probe of Hunter Biden's tax affairs, the man himself has gone public to tell his story to CBS News.

Longtime supervisory agent Gary Shapley sat down with the network's chief investigative correspondent, Jim Axelrod, to discuss his ongoing concerns with the manner in which the probe has been conducted.

Whistleblower Claims Emerge

It was last month that the whistleblower – now revealed to be Shapley – declared through legal counsel that he wanted to make disclosures to Congress about “preferential treatment and politics” having hindered the filing of criminal charges against President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, as Just the News reported at the time.

The contours of his allegations were outlined in a letter from attorney Mark Lytle of the Nixon Peabody law firm to a group of congressional committee chairs and ranking members of panels holding tax-writing authority.

Lytle explained at the time that his client was a “career IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent who has been overseeing the ongoing and sensitive investigation of a high-profile, controversial subject since early 2020” and that he was prepared to make disclosures that “(1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected.”

Sources later confirmed that the subject of the aforementioned probe was Hunter Biden and that the “senior political appointee” referenced in the letter was Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Supervisory Agent Goes Public

Indicating that he felt morally compelled to speak out on the matter, Shapley told Axelrod that in regard to the Hunter Biden case, “[t]here were multiple steps that were slow-walked – were just completely not done – at the direction of the Department of Justice.”

Shapley explained, “When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process. It was way outside the norm of what I've experienced in the past.”

Red flags continued to appear, according to Shapley, with the benefit of each departure from protocol inuring to the subject of the probe – now known to be the first son.

“It just got to that point where that switch was turned on. And I just couldn't silence my conscience anymore,” Shapley stated.

Risky Revelations

Seemingly in anticipation of questions about his motives for coming forward, Shapley told Axelrod that he has not received any financial incentives for telling his story, and though he is a registered Republican, partisanship is playing no role in his disclosures.

Noting that he has not been affiliated with or made donations to political campaigns, Shapley said, “I'm not involved with any of that stuff. It's not what I want to do. I'm just simply not a political person. This is a job, and my oath of office is to treat everybody fairly that we investigate.”

As CBS News points out, Shapley has asserted that he has already suffered adverse consequences from speaking out, with his attorneys telling congress recently that their client and staffers working under him had all been booted from the Hunter Biden case “at the request of the Justice Department.”

Shapley has also claimed that he has been on the receiving end of retaliation from higher-ups at the agency he has served for 14 years.

Second Agent Blows Whistle

On the heels of Shapley's revelations, a second IRS agent has just come forth to make retaliation claims of his own, as the Washington Examiner reports.

The latest — still unnamed — agency employee to call foul is reportedly from the international tax and financial crimes unit and has been part of the Hunter Biden probe for years but was also among those ousted from the investigation along with Shapley.

Despite his attempts to “gain the attention of our senior leadership about certain issues prevalent regarding the investigation,” the second whistleblower said in an email to top IRS officials that all that followed were suggestions that he may be putting himself in legal jeopardy by speaking out and that he should cease further efforts.

Shapley is reportedly set to provide private testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday, according to the Examiner, and it remains to be seen whether lawmakers take further action or launch additional investigations after hearing more about his claims.