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Ivanka Trump backs her dad’s 2024 campaign in what some say is a reversal

 August 21, 2023

Ivanka Trump, who recently seemed to distance herself from politics, has declared her support for her father's 2024 presidential campaign.

In a surprising turn of events, Ivanka Trump, the daughter of former President Donald Trump, seems to have reversed her decision to step away from politics. This comes amidst her father's increasing popularity ratings, the Daily Mail reported.

Speculation around Ivanka's political involvement

Ivanka, who previously served as an adviser in the Trump White House, had announced her withdrawal from politics in November.

She expressed her desire to spend more quality time with her family. However, recent reports suggest that she and her husband, Jared Kushner, have been making appearances behind the scenes.

Rumors about Ivanka and Jared's renewed involvement in Donald Trump's 2024 campaign gained traction after they were seen at a private event at Trump's Bedminster golf club.

Since that sighting, the couple has been spotted at various political and campaign events. Their presence is perceived more as family members rather than official advisers, especially with Trump's rising approval ratings.

Sources close to Ivanka and Jared have refuted these speculations. They emphasized that the couple's stance on politics remains unchanged. One source mentioned:

Jared and Ivanka are not looking to be in politics, and they enjoy spending their summers in Bedminster with Ivanka's father and their kids as they always have. They continue to maintain a close personal relationship

Contrasting views on the couple's political stance

Despite these clarifications, a top campaign strategist revealed to Vanity Fair that the couple's appearances at political events have become more frequent.

They stated:

They've made it clear they're supportive. They pop into meetings to say hi.

Another former Trump official commented on Kushner's involvement, suggesting that he might be trying to protect his interests, especially in the Middle East.

In a previous announcement on Instagram, Ivanka had expressed her love for her father but also her decision to prioritize her family over politics. She mentioned:

While I will always love and support my father, going forward I will do so outside the political arena.

Trump's family and their political roles

When Donald Trump announced his campaign for the 2024 elections, Ivanka was conspicuously absent.

Other family members, including Melania Trump and Eric Trump, were present. Donald Trump Jr. missed the event due to travel issues.

At that time, Trump's political popularity was waning. Many candidates he endorsed lost their seats.

However, as his popularity seems to be rebounding, Ivanka and Jared's roles in his campaign and administration are being closely watched.

Financial gains and political involvement

Jared Kushner's involvement in the Trump administration had proven to be financially beneficial for him.

After leaving the White House in 2020, he secured a significant investment from a fund led by Saudi crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This investment came despite concerns about Kushner's firm, Affinity Partners, being inexperienced.

The close relationship between Kushner and the Saudi prince has been a topic of discussion, especially after the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

Prioritiziing family over politics

Last November, Ivanka declared her intention to stay out of her father's 2024 White House campaign, choosing instead to concentrate on her children.

In an Instagram post, she expressed:

My deep love for my father remains, but I've decided to put my young children and our family life first. Though my love and support for my father will never wane, I'll express it away from politics.

Interestingly, while Jared Kushner was present at Trump's campaign kickoff that month, Ivanka was conspicuously missing.

During the event, Trump highlighted other family members present, such as his wife, the former first lady Melania Trump, and his son, Eric.


  • Ivanka Trump seems to be supporting her father's 2024 campaign.
  • There are speculations about her and Jared Kushner's renewed involvement in politics.
  • Sources close to the couple deny these claims, emphasizing their desire to stay away from politics.
  • Donald Trump's rising popularity might be influencing the couple's political decisions.
  • Kushner's previous political involvement had financial benefits, raising questions about his current intentions.