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JD Vance Criticizes Tim Walz's Military Record, Says Past Conduct Disqualifying

 August 16, 2024

Sen. J.D. Vance sharply criticized Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz during a recent campaign stop in Pennsylvania, accusing Walz of mischaracterizing his military service.

Vance, speaking to a crowd largely composed of veterans, argued that Walz’s alleged embellishments render him unfit to serve as vice president of the United States, and he also took aim at Vice President Kamala Harris for defending Walz, arguing that her support of the governor reflects poor judgment and a lack of integrity, as the Daily Mail reports.

The senator's remarks came on the third anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, a date that holds significant emotional weight for many veterans. Vance used the occasion to highlight discrepancies in Walz’s military record, which he claims have been ongoing for 15 years.

Allegations of Embellished Military Service

Vance accused Walz of falsely claiming to have carried weapons in combat and of misrepresenting his rank. Specifically, Walz has stated that he served as a command sergeant major and that he was unaware his unit was about to deploy to Iraq -- claims Vance vehemently disputes.

During his speech, Vance asserted that Walz’s statements over the years have not only been misleading but also disrespectful to those who have served in the military. "Gov. Tim Walz should not be allowed to serve as vice president because of mischaracterizations he made about his time in the military," Vance said.

According to Vance, these embellishments include Walz’s assertions that he carried a weapon in a war zone and that he held the rank of command sergeant major, which Vance insists is untrue, at least at the time of his retirement. Vance argued that these fabrications are insulting to the troops who have genuinely served in these capacities.

Vance's Critique of Harris' Support

Vance's criticism did not stop at Walz. He also took aim at Vice President Harris, condemning her for defending the governor amid the controversy. Vance suggested that Harris’s willingness to stand by Walz calls her judgment into question.

"[Harris] selected this guy, and they presumably have vetted the guy," Vance said, questioning the vetting process that led to Walz being considered for a potential vice-presidential role. "And now when obvious lies and embellishments are coming to the forefront, they're trying to hide and say, 'no, no, you can't criticize his service.' Nobody's criticizing his service."

Vance emphasized that his critique was not of Walz’s military service itself but of the alleged dishonesty surrounding it. "We're not attacking his honorable service, we're attacking the dishonesty about that service that is not honorable," Vance stated.

Event Commemorating Fallen Service Members

The event at which Vance made these remarks also included a moment of silence to honor the 13 service members who lost their lives during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. This solemn remembrance served as a backdrop to Vance’s pointed criticisms of both Walz and Harris.

Vance argued that discussing Walz’s military record is fair game, especially given the seriousness of the accusations. He insisted that Walz’s alleged embellishments reflect poorly not just on Walz himself, but also on those who have supported him, including Harris.

"I'm not criticizing his time in the Army. I'm criticizing the way that he got out," Vance explained. He further claimed that Walz had lied about going to war and had embellished various aspects of his service record in multiple interviews over a span of 15 years.

Republican Strategy and Democratic Response

Vance’s comments are part of a broader Republican effort to scrutinize Walz’s military record as he is considered for a potential vice-presidential bid. Republicans have been highlighting what they see as discrepancies in Walz’s statements as a way to question his fitness for higher office. In response, Harris and Walz’s campaign have dismissed the accusations as unfair attacks. They argue that Walz simply misspoke in some instances and that Republicans are distorting his record for political gain.

Despite these defenses, Vance and other Republicans continue to press the issue, framing it as a matter of integrity and honesty. Vance has been particularly vocal, stating that Walz’s actions are dishonorable and that they disqualify him from serving as vice president.

Vance's Emphasis on Integrity

Throughout his speech, Vance repeatedly stressed the importance of integrity in public service. He argued that Walz’s alleged misrepresentations undermine the trust that the public places in its leaders.

"I think it's totally fair game because I think it reflects on his integrity," Vance said. "And more importantly I think it reflects on Kamala Harris' judgment."

Vance concluded his remarks by asserting that the real victims in this situation are the veterans whose service is being overshadowed by what he described as Walz’s dishonesty. "I think the victims are the veterans who are having their service disparaged because the guy who wants to be their vice president is lying instead of telling the truth," Vance said.

Conclusion: Integrity and Accountability in Public Office

Sen. J.D. Vance’s criticisms of Gov. Tim Walz and Vice President Kamala Harris center on issues of integrity and accountability in public office.

Vance has accused Walz of embellishing his military record and Harris of exercising poor judgment in defending him.

As Republicans continue to scrutinize Walz’s fitness for a vice-presidential role, the controversy highlights the importance of honesty and transparency in those who seek the nation’s highest offices.