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James Comer calls for extreme measures to get Biden ‘bribery’ evidence from FBI

 May 24, 2023

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (KY-01), is advocating for decisive action to resolve the impasse with the FBI concerning a document thought to include allegations of criminal bribery involving President Joe Biden.

The FBI failed to hand over the requested document during a Monday meeting, leading to lawmakers' discussions on how to escalate their response. A subpoena deadline has already expired. Comer expressed frustration, indicating that traditional approaches were no longer sufficient, as reported by the Daily Wire.

In his interview with host Jesse Watters on Fox News, Comer said he discussed the situation with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (CA-20), and considered holding FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress. Comer also revealed he consulted Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), a known advocate for whistleblowers.

Comer Advocates ‘Extreme Measures’ to Compel Whistleblower Disclosure

"We need to take extreme measures in trying to get this whistleblower to come forward publicly and say what exactly is in this document," Comer said.

He suggested that House Republicans should press GOP senators to withhold the FBI's budget until the bureau acquiesces to new leadership or presents the document in question.

Republicans are seeking the whistleblower's disclosure which they believe references an unclassified form completed by the FBI. This form allegedly outlines an influence-peddling scheme involving Biden, dating back to his vice-presidential tenure, and a foreign national.

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However, Christopher Dunham, Acting Assistant Director for Congressional Affairs, did not acknowledge the document's existence in his response to Comer.

Dunham cautioned against disseminating "unverified or incomplete" information, suggesting it could interfere with investigations, impede prosecutions or judicial proceedings, violate privacy or reputational interests, or create false public impressions.

In response to these developments, Democrats have accused their GOP counterparts of overlooking alleged misconduct by former President Donald Trump while attempting to unearth "dirt" on the Biden family. The White House also countered these GOP claims.

White House spokesperson Ian Sams tweeted, "House Republicans have shown no evidence of any policy decisions influenced by anything other than U.S. national interests. That's because they can't."

McCarthy's Intervention and Comer's Stance

McCarthy disclosed that he had dialogued with Wray about the FBI adhering to Comer's subpoena over the weekend.

"I explained to the director that we will do everything in our power, and we have jurisdiction over the FBI, that we have the right to see this document," McCarthy said on Fox News Sunday Morning show. "I believe after this call, we will get this document."

However, Comer appeared less hopeful on Monday. He raised concerns about the FBI's lack of respect for Congress and lamented that the media and Senate Republicans were enabling the agency's intransigence.

"They don't respect anyone in Congress. They've been able to get away with this for a long time. The media continues to look the other way. The Senate Republicans continue to fund the FBI. Why would you change your business model when you're getting everything you want?" Comer asked.

The Allegations and the Context

The dispute over the document comes amid growing questions about the extent of the alleged influence-peddling scheme involving Biden and a foreign national during his tenure as Vice President.

GOP investigators claim that a whistleblower disclosure suggests the existence of an unclassified form filled out by the FBI which supposedly details the alleged scheme.

Despite the urgency expressed by GOP lawmakers, the FBI has declined to confirm or deny the existence of such a record, citing potential harm to investigations, prosecutions, and the privacy interests of individuals involved.