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Jay Leno says only a stroke could force him to retire

 May 29, 2023

The infamous comedian, Jay Leno has seen his fair share of adversity in the past year, yet he remains undeterred.

During a recent Saturday event, Leno disclosed that only one circumstance could potentially nudge him towards retirement: a stroke, the Daily Wire reported. 

This revelation came as he launched his forthcoming NBC reality show, "Hot Wheels: Ultimate Challenge". He said, "That's when you retire - when you have your stroke."

During the same event, Leno lightly joked about his recent adversities in a conversation with Fox News Digital.

He stated, "Look, I've been extremely lucky in my life, you know, and even though the accidents weren't fun, I was still pretty lucky. I didn't lose an eye, I'm not horribly disfigured, well, just regular disfigured."

Recalling The Accident

Leno's spate of misfortunes began with an unexpected garage explosion in Los Angeles. A fire resulting from a fuel line repair mishap in his 1907 White Steam Car caused third-degree burns to his face and hands.

The comedian credits his survival to a friend's quick response in putting out the fire.

The incident led to a hospital stay where Leno underwent skin grafting and spent time in a hyperbaric chamber.

Despite the severe burns, Leno returned to the stage within a week of his release, performing stand-up comedy to a full house in Hermosa Beach, California.

Second Accident and Continued Performances

Two months after the garage fire, Leno, at age 73, suffered several broken bones in a motorcycle accident. He only shared this news when the Las Vegas Review-Journal asked about his burn recovery.

Surprised, he revealed, "That was the first accident. OK? Then just last week, I got knocked off my motorcycle. So I've got a broken collarbone. I've got two broken ribs. I've got two cracked kneecaps."

Brushing off the apparent shock from the interviewer, Leno remarked, "I'm OK! I'm OK; I'm working. I'm working this weekend."

This response encapsulates the comedian's spirit, highlighting his dedication to work despite the physical setbacks he has faced.