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Jerry Jones ordered by judge to take paternity test

By Samuel Lee on
 March 1, 2024

A Dallas County judge has mandated that Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones undergo a paternity test in a legal battle with Alexandra Davis, who claims Jones is her father.

In a case that has captured the attention of both sports and legal communities, Jerry Jones, the high-profile owner of the Dallas Cowboys, is embroiled in a paternity lawsuit. The suit was filed by 27-year-old Alexandra Davis, who alleges that Jones is her biological father, a claim stemming from her mother's relationship with Jones in the mid-1990s, the New York Post reports.

The background of the paternity lawsuit

The legal dispute began when Davis filed a lawsuit in 2022. He challenged a previous agreement between her mother, Cynthia Davis, and Jones. According to the lawsuit, Cynthia and Jones had settled in 1998. Historically, Jones agreed to provide financial support on the condition that he would not be identified as Alexandra's father.

Alexandra Davis, however, contends that the agreement made between her mother and Jones does not bind her.

Her legal action seeks to establish Jones's paternity through scientific testing. Dallas County Judge Sandra Jackson upheld this move despite Jones's appeal.

During the court proceedings, Jones's legal team argued that Cynthia's husband at the time of her relationship with Jones should be presumed the legal father of Alexandra.

This argument was not persuasive in court. It led to the current situation where Jones must undergo paternity testing.

Davis's lawyer, Kris Hayes, said:

Alex is in a position where she no longer has to hide her truth or live under the thumb of fear, and maybe she’s going to finally get some peace, we hope other families will have that same benefit from the judge following the law.

Implications of the judge's decision

The decision to require Jones to take a paternity test has significant implications. This is not only for the parties involved. It is also for the public's perception of high-profile figures. Jones, who acquired the Cowboys in 1989 and has since become a major figure in the sports world, now faces a personal legal battle. Apparently, this could impact his reputation and family life.

Jones has been married to Eugenia Jones since 1963. The couple has three children involved in the Cowboys' operations.

This case introduces a complex personal element into the public persona of a well-known sports executive.

The case also raises questions about the legal obligations and rights related to paternity.  Private agreements can bind individuals affected by them. Particularly, when they were not party to the original agreement.

The broader context of paternity disputes

Paternity disputes, especially those involving high-profile individuals, often garner significant public attention.

They highlight the intersection of personal lives with public personas. Moreover, they emphasize the legal complexities involved in familial relationships.

This case is particularly noteworthy because it involves a figure like Jerry Jones, whose decisions and actions are closely watched by football fans and the media alike. The outcome of this case could have broader implications for how paternity disputes are viewed and handled in the public eye.

Furthermore, the case touches on issues of privacy, financial responsibility, and the legal recognition of familial relationships. It underscores the challenges faced by individuals seeking to establish their identity and familial connections in the face of pre-existing legal agreements.


  • Jerry Jones is required to undergo a paternity test following a lawsuit filed by Alexandra Davis, who claims he is her father.
  • The lawsuit challenges a previous settlement between Jones and Davis's mother, which Davis argues she is not bound by.
  • The case highlights complex issues surrounding paternity, legal obligations, and the impact of high-profile personal matters on public perception.
  • The outcome of the paternity test could have significant personal and public implications for all parties involved.