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Jill Biden ridiculed for delivering speech in front of ‘Hunter High’ sign

 January 21, 2024

The political advance team for first lady Jill Biden faced online mockery when she was seen addressing a local high school in Utah named "Hunter High."

While in Utah to participate in a fundraising event for President Biden, the first lady made a stop at the school located in West Valley City, southwest of Salt Lake City.

She met with the school staff and enjoyed a performance by the school choir, as Fox News reported.

During her visit, Biden, who had taught for more than 30 years, emphasized the significance of education and the essential role of educators.

However, the presence of "Hunter High" signage in the backdrop of her speech drew immediate attention online due to her stepson Hunter Biden's known struggles with substance abuse.

Online Reactions Highlight the Irony

The irony of the situation did not escape the notice of online commentators.

Angela Morabito from the Defense of Freedom Institute remarked on a social platform, "Jill Biden trying to distract from her comments about Hunter's drug abuse and ending up under a giant banner reading 'Hunter High,' is straight out of a VEEP episode."

Rep. Andy Biggs (AZ-05) also chimed in with a similar sentiment, stating, "You can't make this stuff up. Jill Biden speaking at a school named 'Hunter High.' Appropriately named!"

Hunter Biden's Ongoing Legal Challenges

Hunter Biden, the president's son, has been open about his struggles with addiction, as detailed in his memoir Beautiful Things.

These struggles have recently been brought back into the spotlight due to ongoing legal issues.

Hunter Biden faces federal gun charges in the District Court for the District of Delaware, with allegations that he falsely answered a question about his drug use on a gun purchase form in October 2018.

While Hunter Biden admits to struggling with crack cocaine addiction at that time, his legal team contends that he did not violate any laws.

They have filed for a dismissal of the charges, but prosecutors are pushing back, pointing to "overwhelming" evidence, including cocaine residue found on Hunter Biden's possessions.

First Lady's Defense of Hunter

Adding to the complexity of her appearance at Hunter High, Jill Biden recently defended her son on MSNBC, addressing the Republican criticism aimed at him.

She expressed her pride in how Hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction and voiced concern about the impact of these issues on her grandchildren.

The timing of her visit to Hunter High, so soon after these statements, led to further commentary on social media.

Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist and William J. Smith, a strategic communications professional, both highlighted the curious choice of the event's location and the backdrop of "Hunter High" signs, questioning the decision-making of the White House advance team.