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Jill Biden rips Donald Trump for pro-life stance

 March 2, 2024

First lady Jill Biden has intensified her critique of former President Donald Trump, as she spearheaded a "Women for Biden" initiative in Atlanta, Georgia this week.

In her most pointed comments yet, she criticized Trump's stance on abortion -- a key issue for Democrats in the upcoming 2024 election.

"Donald Trump is dangerous to women and to our families. We simply cannot let him win," the first lady asserted on Friday, receiving applause from the audience, as the Daily Mail reported.

She added, "He spent a lifetime tearing us down and devaluing our existence. He mocked women's bodies, disrespects our accomplishments and brags about assault. Now he's bragging about killing Roe v. Wade."

Trump's Stance on Abortion Rights

Jill also referenced a Fox News interview in which Trump entertained a 15-week abortion ban, saying, "More and more, I'm hearing 15 weeks, and I haven't decided yet. Also, we got it back to the states where it belongs."

The former president has claimed responsibility for the Supreme Court's ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, shifting decisions on abortion rights back to individual states.

President Joe Biden, along with Jill Biden and other Democrats, are leveraging the abortion issue to energize their base, particularly after it proved to be a potent rallying point for the party during the 2022 midterm elections.

Democratic candidates surpassed expectations that November, largely due to the presence of abortion rights issues on the ballot.

Rallying the Women's Vote

Jill Biden is not just defending her husband's record; she's actively working to mobilize women, viewed as an essential demographic for the Biden campaign.

Recounting personal anecdotes and Joe Biden's legislative accomplishments, such as the Violence Against Women Act, she contrasts her husband's lifelong commitment to uplifting women with Trump's record.

"My husband is the author of the Violence Against Women Act. As I saw him write that bill on reams of yellow legal paper by hand, and he spent his entire career lifting up women," she declared.

She contrasted this with Trump, highlighting that the former president continues to claim credit, as he did just last night, for facilitating the passage of harsh abortion bans in states like Georgia.

These bans, she argued, infringe upon women's rights to make their own healthcare choices. She questioned whether he would persist in this behavior if he returned to the Oval Office, asserting that he shows no signs of stopping.

The Road Ahead

The first lady's campaign swing through key battleground states underscores the strategic importance of the women's vote in the upcoming election.

"Women put Joe Biden in the White House," she proclaimed, emphasizing Georgia's critical role in their 2020 victory.

She also took the opportunity to inspire young women voters, sharing her own story of voting for Joe Biden long before their personal acquaintance.

Jill said, "The first time I ever voted, I voted for my husband Joe. I didn't even know him and thank God I voted for him."