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Jill Stein Could Draw Votes From Biden in Pennsylvania: Report

 June 4, 2024

Dr. Jill Stein's bid to have her name appear on Pennsylvania's presidential ballot in 2024 is nearing success.

Stein's potential presence on the ballot raises concerns among Democrats who fear it might draw critical votes away from Biden in what is expected to be a close race come November, as the Washington Examiner reports.

Known for her environmental advocacy and Green New Deal platform, Stein is seeking to secure a place on Pennsylvania’s 2024 presidential ballot.

Stein’s Green Party campaign is only a few hundred signatures short of the required 5,000 needed to qualify. The campaign is pushing to gather more than the minimum by aiming for 10,000 signatures by July 27, ahead of the Aug. 1 deadline.

Stein's Campaign Push in Pennsylvania

Alex Casper, secretary of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, expressed confidence in the effort, despite the state’s challenging petitioning process. Casper stated, “We are confident that if we keep our volunteer efforts strong that we will be on the ballot this time. We need all our boots on the ground to take down the duopoly’s regime at the ballot.”

Pennsylvania is expected to be one of the most competitive states in the upcoming presidential election. The Green Party has been on the ballot in Pennsylvania in 2012 and 2016, but their attempt at a write-in campaign in 2020 was unsuccessful.

During the 2016 presidential race, Hillary Clinton lost Pennsylvania by 44,292 votes. Jill Stein received 49,941 votes in the state, a fact that Clinton believed contributed to her loss to Donald Trump. In contrast, President Biden won Pennsylvania in the 2020 election by a margin of 1.2%. This narrow victory margin highlights the potential impact a third-party candidate like Stein could have in the 2024 election.

Democratic National Committee’s Countermeasures

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has established a dedicated team to prevent a repeat of the 2016 election outcome.

This effort includes the strategic coordination by Ramsey Reid, Mary Beth Cahill, and Lis Smith, focusing on fortifying Biden's campaign and mitigating any siphoning of votes from third-party candidates.

Jill Stein’s campaign is concentrated on several key issues: environmental policies, implementing the Green New Deal, eradicating student debt, an economic bill of rights, ending perpetual war, and calling for a ceasefire in Israel. Stein's alignment with progressive issues remains consistent with her previous campaigns.

In April, Stein was involved in an incident in which she was charged with assaulting a police officer during a pro-Palestinian protest.

She frames herself as a staunch advocate for Gaza and Jewish concerns, a stance that she continues to integrate into her political platform.

Implications of Stein’s Candidacy

The prospect of Stein’s candidacy is particularly worrisome for Democrats due to Pennsylvania's pivotal role in presidential elections. With only hundreds of signatures left to secure, the Green Party is optimistic about meeting and surpassing the state's requirements. Their plan to gather 10,000 signatures is a buffer against potential disqualifications and challenges in the petitioning process.

Given the electoral history, where minor margins have determined the victor, any shift in voter support could decide the outcome in Pennsylvania. The state’s significance is underscored by the 2020 results, where a mere 1.2% advantage secured Biden’s win. The DNC’s proactive measures aim to preserve this narrow margin by addressing third-party challenges head-on.

Stein has a history of drawing votes from Democratic contenders, a fact not lost on party strategists. The efforts led by the special DNC team reflect a strategic push to fortify Biden’s standing in battleground states like Pennsylvania. Stein’s platform, resonating with progressive and disenfranchised voters, remains a wildcard in the 2024 election scenario.


Jill Stein’s progress toward securing a place on Pennsylvania’s 2024 ballot heralds a critical juncture for Democrats.

With her campaign platform touching on hot-button issues and the state's historical election tightness, the DNC is poised, with a strategic team in place, to counter potential vote diversion from Biden.

Stein’s previous electoral influence, coupled with her robust campaign, underscores the myriad factors at play in Pennsylvania, a state likely to be a decisive battleground in the upcoming presidential race.