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Joe Biden heads to Walter Reed for physical exam after insisting he’s healthy

 March 1, 2024

President Joe Biden this week announced an impromptu visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, a development which has sparked widespread discussion.

This situation has caught the attention of many, especially considering the persistent assertions from the mainstream media regarding the president's supposedly robust health.

The announcement has reignited conversations about the president's mental acuity following a series of public missteps that suggest a decline in his memory, as The Blaze reported.

Xi Jinping Tibetan Anecdote Revisited

During a recent appearance on Late Night with Seth Myers, President Biden once again shared a now-discredited anecdote involving Xi Jinping and a supposed meeting in the Tibetan mountains.

Despite previous corrections, Biden reiterated the claim.

"I tell every world leader, and I mean this sincerely, never underestimate the ability of American people," Biden declared.

He added, "I was asked by Xi Jinping about when I was in the Tibetan mountains with him, and he said, can you define America for him?"

Biden continued, "I said, 'Yeah, one word: possibilities."

"America believes anything is possible," the president went on.

Public Reaction and Economic Pride

The repetition of this tale has been met with mixed reactions.

Some find it concerning given the President's history of inaccuracies, including mistakenly referring to Xi Jinping as Deng Xioping in past renditions of the story.

Despite these gaffes, Biden used the opportunity to laud the American economy, proclaiming it the best in the world.

This assertion aligns with his optimistic view of the nation's future despite the skepticism surrounding his recollections.

Commentator Pat Gray, commenting on the situation, described it as "really sad," highlighting the challenges faced by those experiencing cognitive decline.

Gray noted, "It's what happens to people when their mind is going."

"They still have that memory from the past, or a lot of memories from the past, just not a lot filled in in the middle there," he continued.

This sentiment reflects the concerns of a growing number of observers regarding the president's mental fitness for office.