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Joe Biden may have obstructed justice in Hunter Biden probe, Republicans claim

By Sarah May on
 April 23, 2023

Amid the emergence of an IRS whistleblower alleging political interference into a federal probe of Hunter Biden's tax affairs, a growing number of congressional Republicans are alleging that President Joe Biden's administration is and has been “obstructing justice,” as the Daily Mail reports.

Though concerns about the slow pace of the federal investigation into the first son have existed for some time, claims made by the aforementioned prospective whistleblower have put things into stark relief for a many and will likely spur additional probes in the near future.

Whistleblower ups the ante

According to a report from Just the News, coming forth with allegations that “preferential treatment and politics” have muddied the Hunter Biden probe is a longtime supervisory special agent in the IRS' criminal division.

A letter from the individual's lawyer explains that the potential whistleblower “has been overseeing the ongoing and sensitive investigation of a high-profile, controversial subject since early 2020,” and though Hunter Biden is not mentioned by name, a source close to the matter confirmed to the outlet that he was the subject of the probe described.

The attorney further noted that his client's proffered disclosures would “(1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected.”

A source close to the matter confirmed to the Daily Mail separately that the “senior political appointee: referenced in the letter is Attorney General Merrick Garland, who told Congress earlier this year that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss – and Weiss alone – was calling the shots regarding the Hunter Biden tax probe.

Republicans respond

Not surprisingly, Republicans are very interested in what the possible whistleblower may have to say about administration interference, with Rep. Mike Turner (OH-10) declaring, “This would be obstruction of justice and certainly pursued right here in Congress.”

Turner added, “In the end, we will find questionable transactions and certainly questionable activities.”

Republican House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (KY-01) asserted that the president's son has participated in “deceptive, shady business schemes” that have allowed the entire Biden family to bring in “millions from foreign adversaries like China.”

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who has conducted far-reaching probes of Hunter Biden's business endeavors in the past weighed in on the blockbuster new claims, saying of the president's family, “They must have felt confident our two-tiered system of justice would handle them with kid gloves and preferential treatment. Hopefully the IRS whistleblower's testimony will finally prompt equal justice to be applied to the Bidens,” the Mail added.

Democrats react

Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) did not dismiss the whistleblower claims out of hand, saying, according to the Mail, “We take all whistleblower statements seriously, as we should.”

“Some turn out to be very important and some not. But we take them all seriously at the outset and look at them closely,” Durbin added.

For its part, the Biden White House has provided little insight or even response to the bombshell allegations, in keeping with the tight-lipped approach taken on the topic of Hunter Biden since the president took office.

Asked for comment on the latest twist in the story, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said simply, “The president respects the rule of law and the independence of the Department of Justice.”

“Making the obvious explicit”

Also reacting to the whistleblower story was former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy who wrote in National Review that while the news itself is extremely significant, it is in no way surprising.

“It is simply making the obvious explicit,” McCarthy said, adding, “it's been clear for five years that there are slam-dunk charges that could be brought against Hunter Biden, yet no action has been taken.”

McCarthy explained in a New York Post op-ed, “[t]he gun offenses are so straightforward that they'd take a competent investigator five days, not five years, to wrap into a prosecutable case,” and [s]ome of the tax offenses, which stretch back seven years or more, are so undeniable that liens were placed on Hunter's properties.”

As such, McCarthy says, the “long-awaited through obvious answer” to why no action has been taken “comes from the IRS whistleblower.” But whether any real accountability will come to those allegedly responsible for such egregious political interference and favoritism, only time will tell.