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Joe Biden, who just fell, once mocked Trump for carefully walking down a ramp at military commencement

 June 2, 2023

In an ironic turn of events, President Joe Biden, who once ridiculed former President Donald Trump for his careful descent down a ramp, recently stumbled at a commencement ceremony, Fox News reported.

This stumble occurred at the U.S. Air Force Academy, immediately bringing to mind his remarks during the 2020 presidential campaign,

Biden's Critique of Trump's Ramp Descent

In September 2020, Trump received criticism, including pointed remarks from Biden, for his careful walk down a ramp at a commencement ceremony at West Point. Biden, then a presidential candidate, didn't hesitate to mock his Republican counterpart.

Biden compared their approaches, stating, "Look at how he steps and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps, and he stumbles down ramps." He even invited the audience to observe the contrast.

The New York Times ran a headline at the time that read, "Trump's Halting Walk Down Ramp Raises New Health Questions," suggesting possible health concerns.

Biden's Recent Stumble

However, the tables turned on Thursday when Biden tripped over a sandbag after delivering the commencement address at the U.S Air Force Academy.

The White House confirmed the President stumbled but assured he wasn't injured in the incident.

In response to the images spreading online, White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt took to Twitter to downplay the incident, Politico reported.

LaBolt stated, "He's fine. There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands."

When questioned, Biden refrained from commenting on the stumble as he was leaving Colorado approximately an hour after the event, CNN reported.

Though Biden experienced a brief fall, Air Force officials at the scene swiftly assisted him back to his feet.

It's not the first time Biden has stumbled. In 2021, he fell on the steps while boarding Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews.

At 80, Biden is the oldest person to assume the presidential office. Despite this, he has expressed his intention to pursue a second term. However, his health and ability to perform his duties, especially considering his age, are ongoing subjects of discussion.

This concern is reflected in the American public's sentiments as well. An NBC News poll found that 70% of Americans believe Biden should not seek re-election.

This view was shared by more than half of the Democrats polled, at 51%. Additionally, 48% of those opining against Biden's second term specifically highlighted his age as a major reason for their stance.

Trump's Response to Biden's Fall

Former President Trump was informed about Biden's fall. Known for his sharp remarks, he quickly brought up the 2020 ramp controversy, advising caution when walking down ramps.

In response, Trump said, "Well, I hope he wasn't hurt, but the whole thing, look, the whole thing is crazy. You gotta be careful about that… because you don't want that — even if you have to tiptoe down a ramp."