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Joe Biden’s brother peddled family influence to Qatari prince

By Sarah May on
 March 1, 2023

As House Republicans continue their probe into Biden family business dealings and allegations of influence peddling, the Daily Mail reports that President Joe Biden's brother, Jim Biden, boasted to the Qatari royal family of his clan's ability to foster valuable strategic relationships in the United States.

The revelation came in the form of a 2017 letter from Jim Biden to a director of the Qatar Investment Authority culled from first son Hunter Biden's now-infamous abandoned laptop computer.

“A wealth of introductions”

The letter at issue was sent to Khaled Sultan Al Rabban for the benefit of his boss, CEO of the Qatari Investment Authority Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammad Al Thani, who was also a member of the royal family in that country.

First published by Breitbart late last year, the communication from Jim Biden explained that he would “be honored to assist in effectuating the vision of His Excellency but would be remiss in not pointing out the fractured nature of our current administration,” a reference to then-President Donald Trump.

Then, engaging in precisely the sort of conduct that continues to cause controversy, Biden asserted, “My family could provide a wealth of introductions and business opportunities at the highest levels that I believe would be worthy of the interest of His Excellency.”

Pointing out that he and his relatives were not, in fact, lobbyists, Jim Biden nevertheless added, “[o]ur relationships are deep and wide and have lasted through many years and many administrations” and suggested that his friend and intermediary, Dr. Amer Rustom, coordinate further discussions about possible collaborations.

Saudi negotiation role scrutinized

The renewed attention on Jim Biden's contact with the Qatari Investment authority comes on the heels of the Mail's separate reporting on affidavits pointing to the role played by the current president's brother in negotiating a deal between an American construction firm and the Saudi Arabian government.

According to legal documents cited by the outlet, Jim Biden was central to $140 million settlement talks involving Hill International and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia back in 2012, when his brother was serving as Barack Obama's vice president.

The Mail noted that Jim Biden explained to a former official with the U.S. Treasury that he was selected to negotiate with the Saudi Arabian government primarily because of his relationship with his brother, who at the time was heading American delegations to the Middle Eastern nation, with Hill's CEO Irvin Richter also having admitted that the Saudis “would not dare stiff the brother of the Vice President.”

The former Treasury official who, by then, was working as a private investigator, said in an affidavit that Jim Biden told him with regard to his role in the negotiations, “Of course, the [Biden] name didn't hurt” and that Jim Biden's wife, Sarah, added that her husband and his brother “told each other everything.”

Comer: “Evidence is mounting”

In the wake of the Mail's reporting on Jim Biden's involvement in the aforementioned negotiations with the Saudi government, Republican House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (KY-01) suggested that the scandalous truth about the president's relatives is becoming more difficult to deny.

“Evidence continues to mount that the Biden family used Joe Biden's name to secure deals around the world to enrich themselves,” Comer declared.

Pointing to alleged stonewalling from administration agencies with regard to materials he has sought in the course of his probe, Comer added, “The Treasury Department must provide the suspicious activity reports (SARs) generated for the Biden family and their associates to inform our investigation about the Biden family's business schemes and Joe Biden's involvement.”

Underscoring what he feels are the profound implications of what he suspects may be revealed, Comer concluded, “If Joe Biden is compromised by his family's deals, this is a national security threat.”

Testimony, witness cooperation possible

In furtherance of Comer's evidence gathering efforts, the panel he chairs recently asked Isabella More, deputy assistant secretary for oversight at the Treasury Department, to appear before the committee on March 10 and provide testimony concerning the financial records already requested, but not produced.

“This hearing will examine the various justifications you have provided the Committee regarding Treasury's failure to produce documents requested of it,” Comer said in a letter, according to NBC News.

As the Washington Free Beacon reports, both Hunter and Jim Biden failed to comply with document requests issued by the panel by their late February deadline, but Eric Schwerin, a former business associate of the first son, is reportedly cooperating with Comer's probe, with the committee chair revealing that his “attorneys and my counsel are communicating on a regular basis.”

Comer believes that Schwerin's involvement in the probe is “going to lead the way in helping more people come forward and work with us,” but whether that leads to the concrete evidence of Biden family wrongdoing the chairman seems to believe exists, only time will tell.