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Joe Biden’s brother says he told IRS about alleged Hunter-China connection

 March 2, 2024

President Joe Biden's brother Jim Biden reportedly discussed first son Hunter Biden's business ties with China with the IRS.

In a revealing congressional interview, Jim Biden, brother of President Joe Biden, was revealed to have informed the Internal Revenue Service about a conversation he had with Hunter Biden. In this conversation, Hunter allegedly mentioned his business involvements with a figure described as a "protege of President Xi" of China, as the Daily Wire reported.

Jim Biden's testimony sheds light on Hunter's business dealings

During his testimony to Congress, Jim Biden confirmed the allegations Hunter made to him about his business relations.

Jim recalled Hunter mentioning Ye Jianming, a chairman of a Chinese energy firm, who later faced legal troubles in China. "It was alleged by Hunter to me, and I, obviously, I said that, and that’s my recollection," Jim stated regarding the matter.

Jim Biden also clarified his use of the term "protege of the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party," describing it as a poorly chosen "term of art" and a "gratuitous comment."

Discrepancies in accounts of a meeting with Joe Biden

Contradictions emerged regarding a meeting with Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Tony Bobulinski, who were exploring a deal with the Chinese firm CEFC.

Jim denied Joe Biden's presence at this meeting, countering claims by Hunter and Bobulinski.

Jim Biden's interview with the House Oversight and Judiciary committees was part of an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. The transcript was released after Hunter Biden's testimony, where he admitted to meeting Bobulinski with his uncle.

Hunter said:

My uncle and myself were in the lobby bar with Mr. Bobulinski having coffee when my dad went and shook hands with Tony.

Jim Biden's involvement in facilitating connections for CEFC

Jim Biden admitted to assisting Zang Jianjun, an associate of Chairman Ye, with acquiring a U.S. visa, finding housing in New York, and locating schools for his children.

He described these actions as personal favors to help Zang's family settle in the city.

Further, Jim detailed an incident where Hunter was given a diamond by Zang, which Jim claims to have discarded after being told by a jeweler of its low value.

Clarifications on the Biden family's financial dealings with China

Amid scrutiny, Jim Biden defended Joe Biden's claim during the election that his family had not received money from China.

He argued that CEFC was a private entity, and Joe Biden was unaware of the CEFC deal, despite evidence suggesting otherwise.

Jim Biden also addressed the issue of bank records showing him writing checks to Joe Biden, which were traced back to CEFC funds. He maintained these were repayments for money Joe had lent him, though evidence of these transactions was disputed.

Jim Biden's denials of using his brother's name in business

Jim Biden strongly denied allegations reported by Politico that he had used Joe Biden's name in his business dealings with rural hospital firm Americore.

He dismissed claims about plans to give Joe Biden equity in Americore or to appoint him to the board as "ridiculous."

In response to an email where Jim mentioned exposing "my brother's team" to a healthcare protocol, he insisted it did not alter his previous statements about not involving Joe Biden in his business activities.

The personal bond between Jim and Hunter Biden

Jim Biden spoke about his close relationship with Hunter, highlighting their shared experiences as recovering alcoholics.

He mentioned his efforts to support others, including family and friends, in seeking treatment for addiction.

He also touched on financial dealings with John Hynansky, a friend and business associate, explaining the lack of urgency in repaying loans due to Hynansky's financial stability.


  • Jim Biden's confirmation of Hunter's claims about business ties with a Chinese protege highlights the intricate web of personal and business relationships within the Biden family.
  • The discrepancies in accounts of a meeting involving Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Tony Bobulinski raise questions about the nature and extent of the Biden family's business engagements.
  • Jim Biden's efforts to assist Zang Jianjun, an associate from the Chinese firm CEFC, underline the personal connections and favors that intertwined with business dealings.
  • The defense of Joe Biden's claim regarding financial dealings with China and the clarification about the CEFC funds challenge the narrative of transparency and separation of personal and political affairs.
  • Jim Biden's strong denials of using his brother's name in his business ventures with Americore and other entities reflect the sensitivity and potential implications of such allegations.
  • The shared experiences of Jim and Hunter Biden as recovering alcoholics reveal a personal bond that extends beyond business and politics, emphasizing the human aspect of their stories.