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Joe Biden’s Immigration Policy Linked To Migrant Worker Deaths

 May 6, 2024

Recent data reveal a concerning increase in deaths among illegal migrant workers in the U.S., a situation that has escalated under President Joe Biden's administration.

The rising fatalities among migrant workers highlight significant challenges in workplace safety and immigration policies, as Breitbart reports.

Foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers accounted for a substantial majority of the fatalities within the demographic group in 2022, signaling a worrying trend in labor sectors popular among migrants.

Details on Fatalities Among Hispanic Workers

Statistics show that these workers primarily suffered in the construction industry, which saw 316 deaths out of the 792 reported among foreign-born Hispanic or Latino workers.

This sector alone comprises 40% of such fatalities, underlining the risks faced by these individuals.

With the 2023 data withheld until after the 2024 elections, there is growing concern about transparency and the immediate need for updated safety measures.

Lack of Media Attention and Public Awareness

Despite the severity of the situation, the coverage of these issues by the media has been minimal. In 2022, the deaths of 719 working illegal immigrants garnered little national attention, which has drawn criticism regarding the prioritization of news coverage.

Sanchez, a worker who has been in the U.S. for about 15 years, voiced the difficult choices many like him have to make, often leading to perilous employment situations. “When we come to this country, we want to make money, so we get into sketchy situations,” he explained.

Tragic Incidents Spotlighting Youth and Inexperience

The risks are especially high for younger, less experienced workers. Duvan Tomas Perez, a 16-year-old Guatemalan, tragically lost his life in July while working illegally at a Mississippi poultry plant, a job that is hazardous, not to mention illegal, for minors.

Latino workers frequently occupy high-risk roles such as roofing, which had the highest fatality rate in the construction industry in 2020, further illustrating the dangerous conditions faced by these workers.

Political Response to Migrant Worker Deaths

The Biden administration has responded by advocating for increased union participation to enhance workplace safety for illegal immigrants. However, this move has faced criticism from various political corners.

Republicans, with voices like Rep. Jim Jordan (OH), directly link these migrant deaths to Biden’s immigration policies, alleging that the administration's encouragement has led to increased migration and subsequent fatalities. “Migrants died in this journey coming here because Joe Biden told them to surge to our border and come into our country,” Jordan stated.

Economic Arguments and Safety Concerns

Conversely, Democrats highlight the economic necessity of migrant labor. Rep. Deborah Ross (NC) pointed out, “Our economy needs more workers. Migrants accept the costs and risks of journeying to the United States because they understand that their labor is in demand here and that employment will be easy to come by.”

Amid these debates, the safety of migrants has deteriorated, with increased incidences of assault, robbery, and rape, particularly in recent months. “The level of brutality is extreme,” noted Luis Eguiluz, an advocate focusing on Colombia and Panama.

Increasing Fatal Work Injuries Across the Board

The broader context of worker safety in the U.S. is also grim. The country recorded 5,486 fatal work injuries in 2022, marking a 5.7% increase from the previous year. Of these, Texas was notably high with 269 worker deaths.

Moreover, roadway incidents involving motorized land vehicles rose significantly, whereas pedestrian vehicular incidents saw a decrease. There was also a notable 13.1% increase in workplace suicides, highlighting a range of safety issues beyond migrant worker communities.

In conclusion, the increase in migrant worker deaths underlines a critical issue of workplace safety and immigration policy under the Biden administration. The lack of adequate media coverage, the high-risk nature of the jobs that migrants are compelled to take, and the ongoing political debates show a complex interplay of economic needs, individual risks, and policy effectiveness.

All stakeholders must address these urgent concerns to safeguard these vulnerable workers.