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Joe Biden’s niece balked at $85,000 salary after pleading guilty to theft, records show

By Sarah May on
 January 27, 2023

In yet another less-than-flattering revelation from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, text messages show that after being helped by her uncle, now-President Joe Biden, in her quest to secure employment as a condition of criminal probation, Caroline Biden rejected the $85,000-per-year job offered by one of his most notable donors, as the Daily Mail reports.

Ms. Biden's term of supervision stemmed from a 2017 guilty plea to a New York larceny charge in which she was accused of committing over $100,000 in credit card fraud, as Fox News noted at the time, which would later prove not be her last brush with the law.

Probation granted

In July of 2018, Caroline Biden was sentenced to two years of probation after admitting to using an unnamed victim's credit card at an upscale New York pharmacy to rack up more than $100,000 in unauthorized purchases.

As Fox News noted, the fraud victim had allowed Ms. Biden to charge $672 to the card, but after that occurred, a store account was opened using the same card – without the victim's approval – and the massive tab was subsequently accumulated over a period of months.

Ms. Biden was granted probation provided she agreed to repay the victim, serve 10 days of community service, and avoid arrest for a period of a year.

In making the deal, Caroline Biden declared, “I can assure you that I have made amends, full restitution, completed community service and that nothing like this will ever happen again,” seeming to have contritely accepted responsibility for her misdeeds.


As the Mail notes, after pleading guilty to fraud allegations and receiving a two-year probation sentence, Caroline Biden sought to move to Los Angeles, where her cousin, Hunter Biden was living.

In order for her probation to be transferred to California, however, Ms. Biden needed to secure employment, and after her father, Jim Biden, prevailed on his brother Joe to intervene on her behalf, she was contacted by medical technology firm Masimo, founded by one of his top donors, Joe Kiani.

Caroline Biden was invited to interview for a position at the company which would pay the aforementioned sum of $85,000 annually as well as a guaranteed 10% bonus, and stock options.

Despite receiving an apparently unearned opportunity, Ms. Biden proceeded to “bomb” the job interview and was not hired for the specified position but did receive an offer to work as an unpaid intern at the company.

“I cannot take this job”

In light of text messages gleaned from Hunter Biden's laptop, Ms. Biden's poor performance at the interview was the result of her abject mortification at being offered what she viewed as a rock bottom salary.

Writing to her father, Caroline Biden explained, “That's below minimum wage in California after taxes. I cannot take this job. I have never made this little money in my life.”

Accustomed to receiving cushy positions in the past solely because of her family name, Ms. Biden declared that she simply could not take a job paying “less than $180,000” per year.

After her interactions with Masimo proved unproductive, Caroline Biden texted Hunter Biden, saying, “I didn't get the job. I was given an intern job at 31 years old because of your dad asking him to give me something even though I bombed it,” and she later informed her cousin, “Your dad told me he was done with me yesterday.”

Manifestations of privilege

The outsized sense of entitlement displayed by Caroline Biden in relation to the Masimo job offer appears in keeping with her history of skirting real penalties, despite multiple run-ins with the legal system.

Not only did she avoid jail time after stealing over $100,000 via credit card fraud, as People reported in December of 2020, Ms. Biden was given probation in lieu of incarceration after having pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under the influence.

That charge stemmed from an August 2019 incident in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania in which Caroline Biden crashed into a tree while driving without a license and in possession of pill bottles for two controlled substances that were ultimately found to have been in her system at the time of the wreck.

Hunter Biden has also been accused of receiving lucrative, no-show jobs primarily because of his last name, and with the existence of ongoing investigations into his own possible criminal wrongdoing, it remains to be seen whether he will ultimately elude potential penalties as easily as his cousin Caroline has.