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Judge Faces Demotion Over Teen Incident In Court

 September 27, 2024

A Michigan judge faces backlash and demotion after a controversial incident involving a teenage girl during a courtroom visit.

Mail Online reported that officials demoted Judge Kenneth King after he handcuffed 15-year-old Eva Goodman and dressed her in jail clothing during a field trip to his courtroom in Detroit, Michigan.

Incident Sparks Lawsuit and Outrage

During a field trip organized by the nonprofit Greening of Detroit, King allegedly perceived Goodman as showing "attitude" after she fell asleep. He raised his voice to wake her and warned, "You fall asleep in my courtroom one more time, I'm gonna put you in the back, understood?"

King then handcuffed Goodman in front of her peers, stating, "I'm gonna go to sleep tonight while you're sitting in the juvenile detention facilities." He threatened her with time in a juvenile detention center, and the court's livestream captured his actions, drawing significant attention.

Goodman's family filed a lawsuit against King, seeking $75,000 for violating her civil rights and causing emotional distress. Latoreya Till, Goodman’s mother, explained that their unstable living situation had left the girl particularly exhausted.

Judge Faces Demotion And Mandatory Training

The court initially suspended King in August and later demoted him, removing him from presiding over major felony hearings and reassigning him to the traffic division. Despite the demotion, Chief Judge William McConico of the 36th District Court revealed that King completed mandatory social-emotional training before returning to work.

McConico explained that he could not permanently remove King from the bench, despite public outcry and the family's lawsuit. King defended his actions by emphasizing his intent to deter juveniles from future courtroom visits, referring to it as his "own version of scared straight."

King offered to mentor Goodman, but her family declined. Goodman's mother shared that her daughter has struggled emotionally since the incident, avoiding social interactions and experiencing sleep difficulties.

Emotional Toll On Teen After Incident

Till said, "My daughter is hurt. She is feeling scared." The episode made Goodman reluctant to attend work, and she now feels nervous around her peers after being publicly humiliated in court.

Till blamed Goodman’s fatigue on their unstable living situation, explaining, "We have to bounce around currently because we don't have a permanent address." She emphasized that, despite their hardships, her daughter stays dedicated to her education and community service.

Judge King expressed no regrets, insisting that his actions were not "heavy-handed" and asserting that he simply enforced respect and discipline in his courtroom.

Community Reacts To Courtroom Incident

Marissa Wood, chairman of the Greening of Detroit, criticized King's actions, finding his methods traumatizing and unnecessary. Wood emphasized the potential harm to a youth's mental health from such public reprimands.

Critics targeted King, but he refused to apologize, stating, "I haven't been disrespected like that in a very long time," and he justified his disciplinary approach. His statement, "Glad to be back," upon returning to work, reinforced his stance.

Goodman's mother responded to the incident by launching a GoFundMe campaign, which received over 200 donations to support the family during this challenging period.

Future Implications For Judge and Teen

The incident has deeply affected Goodman’s emotional well-being and strained her relationship with her peers and community. The family's ongoing legal battle highlights the complex interplay between authority, discipline, and youth rights in judicial settings.

King continues his duties in the traffic division, but scrutiny remains on the broader implications of his actions. The court’s decision to demote rather than permanently remove him exposes challenges within judicial oversight mechanisms.

As the lawsuit progresses, the focus on judicial conduct and the treatment of youth in courts will likely grow. The case could prompt a review of courtroom practices and the broader justice system’s approach to juvenile discipline.

The incident ultimately raises critical questions about balancing authority and compassion within the judiciary, especially regarding its more vulnerable participants.