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Kamala Harris Attributes Cursing Habit to Job Stress

 June 15, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris recently admitted to using more expletives since assuming office in 2021.

Harris revealed her new linguistic habit in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, in which she discussed her approach to challenging norms and recent, highly publicized incident involving the use of strong language, as the Daily Wire reports.

In the interview, Harris spoke candidly about the pressures of her role. She acknowledged that the demands of her position have led her to curse more frequently. "What have I done differently since I’ve been in this office? I curse more!" she said, laughing.

During a live-streamed White House event in May, Harris dropped an F-bomb.

This incident took place at the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Legislative Leadership Summit. The summit was part of the White House’s efforts to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Event Highlighted Harris’s Frustrations

Harris's comment came during a conversation with comedian Jimmy O. Yang. They were discussing the importance of minorities standing up for themselves. Harris emphasized the need to create one's own opportunities if they are not provided.

While speaking to Yang, Harris remarked on the status quo's resistance to change. "Status quo is anything but static. Status quo is quite dynamic. You start trying to change status quo, you f**k with status quo, it will fight you," she explained.

At the summit, Harris also addressed the necessity of challenging traditions. "So approaching my work -- always challenging traditions, not accepting status quo, knowing what’s possible, even if it hasn’t been done before -- I also know how difficult it can be to propose, and require, new approaches," she said.

Recent Interview Sheds Light on Personal Challenges

Harris's use of strong language wasn't confined to the summit. During her interview with Rolling Stone, she used an expletive while discussing an abortion case currently before the Supreme Court.

Harris described the case as "f***ed up," expressing her frustration with the legal challenges facing women's rights.

The vice president's candid remarks highlight the intense pressures of her role. Harris's admission that she curses more now than before reflects the challenges she faces daily. "I had to! I had to!" she told the reporter, justifying her use of strong language.

Throughout the interview, Harris maintained a humorous tone, even when discussing serious topics. "Although, kind of. I don’t know. It’s not a new language to me, and I think when one speaks the language, one should get the pronunciation down. My pronunciation is very good, thank you very much!" she joked.

Harris Emphasizes the Importance of Persistence

During the White House summit, Harris's use of an expletive underscored her message about perseverance. "Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that f***ing door down," she said, before immediately asking the audience to excuse her language.

Harris's comments reflect her belief in the need to persist despite obstacles. Her candid language illustrates what she says is her frustration with the status quo and her commitment to challenging it.

Her remarks have sparked a conversation about the pressures faced by those in high office. The vice president's openness about her increased use of expletives offers a glimpse into what she says has been the personal toll of her role.

Conclusion: Harris’s Language Reflects Job Stress

In summary, Vice President Kamala Harris has admitted to cursing more since taking office.

This admission was made during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine, in which she discussed her approach to challenging the status quo and the pressures of her role.

Her candid remarks, including an incident at a White House event and comments on a Supreme Court case, highlight the personal challenges she faces in office.

Harris's increased use of strong language underscores the intense demands of her position and her commitment to challenging established norms. Her openness about this aspect of her behavior offers a unique insight into the pressures of the vice presidency.