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Harris Criticized for Ignoring American Families Affected by Gaza, Other Conflicts

 September 24, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing growing criticism for her perceived lack of compassion toward various groups affected by policies under the Biden-Harris administration.

Critiques of Harris include her failure to engage with Gold Star families, Angel families, and the families of American Palestinians who have died during the Israel-Hamas conflict, with the perceived snubs leading to a significant withdrawal of support from these communities, as Breitbart reports.

The "Uncommitted" movement announced on Thursday that it would no longer endorse the VP due to her refusal to meet with Palestinian American families who lost loved ones in Gaza.

Harris has also been accused of ignoring the concerns of families affected by the tragic deaths of U.S. service members and those killed by illegal immigrants. These grievances have been mounting as Harris remains silent on multiple fronts.

Gold Star Families Left Without Acknowledgment

One of the groups most notably snubbed by Vice President Harris is the Gold Star families of the 13 U.S. service members killed in the Abbey Gate bombing during the Afghanistan withdrawal. Family members of those fallen soldiers have voiced frustration with the administration’s lack of outreach. Christy Shamblin, the mother-in-law of one of the service members, expressed her deep disappointment.

"I think that it shows she believes our service members are disposable," Shamblin said. "And that’s exactly the feeling that we’ve got from the White House." Another parent, Steve Nikoui, highlighted the emotional pain of being ignored by the administration, stating, "For them to honor and recognize the sacrifice of our children would force them to recognize that there was a mistake."

These feelings of neglect and resentment have continued to fester as the Biden-Harris administration remains largely silent about these families' suffering.

Angel Families Also Left in the Cold

In addition to the Gold Star families, Harris has been criticized for her lack of response to Angel families, including the family of Rachel Morin. Morin, a mother of five, was tragically killed in August 2023, and her alleged killer, Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, is an MS-13 gang member. Despite the gravity of the crime and its connection to ongoing debates about immigration and border security, the Morin family has yet to hear from Harris.

"The silence is deafening," the Morin family said in a statement. They further emphasized that this inaction "sends a troubling message that the safety and well-being of American citizens are not a priority." Harris's silence extends beyond the Morin family. The family of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was allegedly murdered by two Venezuelan illegal aliens, has also not received any outreach from the vice president.

Palestinian American Families Feel Ignored

The most recent controversy surrounding Harris involves her refusal to meet with American families of Palestinians killed during the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza. This issue has sparked a backlash from the anti-Harris Uncommitted Movement, a coalition of Muslim, Arab American, and far-left progressive groups. The movement had given Harris until September 15 to respond to their request for a meeting.

When Harris failed to respond, the coalition publicly announced that it would withdraw its support for her, potentially jeopardizing her political standing with key voter blocs. This movement's decision to retract its endorsement of Harris reflects the growing disillusionment among these communities. Many feel that Harris's unwillingness to engage with them underscores a lack of concern for their plight.

Growing Discontent from Multiple Communities

The combined discontent from Gold Star families, Angel families, and Palestinian American families paints a picture of a vice president increasingly out of touch with groups directly affected by significant tragedies. The absence of communication from Harris has fueled anger, leading to statements from families accusing the administration of indifference.

Jim McCollum, another parent of a service member killed in the Afghanistan bombing, expressed his frustration: "Complete lack thereof. To just abandon the 13, to never reach out -- no condolences, no I’m sorry, no explanation -- just absolutely ignore us."

These remarks reflect the broader sentiment of abandonment many of these families feel, as they continue to await a response that may never come.

Potential Political Ramifications for Harris

Harris’s refusal to engage with these affected groups could have significant political consequences, particularly as she and President Biden seek re-election. The "Uncommitted" movement's decision to withdraw its endorsement could impact support from key constituencies, including young voters, progressives, and Arab American communities.

For Harris, whose political career has been defined by her ability to appeal to diverse groups, these criticisms represent a serious challenge. With calls for empathy and acknowledgment growing louder, her continued silence risks further alienating voters.

The Families' Pain Continues

As Vice President Harris remains silent, the pain experienced by these families continues. From Gold Star parents who lost their children in Afghanistan, to Angel families grieving victims of violent crime, to Palestinian American families devastated by the conflict in Gaza, the common thread among them is a lack of recognition from the administration.

For many, the silence is more than just a failure to communicate. It is a signal that their suffering is not important enough to be acknowledged.

Conclusion: Growing Criticism of Harris's Response

In summary, Vice President Kamala Harris is facing growing criticism from multiple communities, including Gold Star families, Angel families, and American families of Palestinians, for her perceived lack of empathy and refusal to engage with them.

These criticisms have led the "Uncommitted" political movement to withdraw its support. Harris's continued silence on these matters could have lasting political ramifications as her administration faces mounting calls for empathy and action.