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Kamala Harris's Staff Management Draws Criticism For High Turnover Rates

 July 31, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing criticism from former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy for high staff turnover and allegations of poor treatment towards her employees. McCarthy voiced his concerns during his recent appearance on "Life, Liberty & Levin."

According to Fox News, government watchdog noted a startling 91.5% turnover rate in Harris's team as of March 2024.

According to the data, this turnover implies that Harris's office has seen significantly more staff changes than the offices of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump during similar time frames in their terms.

Details of Staff Transitions and Historical Comparison

Kevin McCarthy highlighted that working for Harris appeared extremely challenging, with the environment being called "heroic" due to its demanding nature. This statement reflects a broader critique that has persisted throughout her political career, spanning her time as a U.S. Senator to her current role.

The report by shows that as of the end of the last fiscal quarter, only 4 of the original 47 staff members remained, with 24 out of the current 50 staffers having left in the year before March 31, 2024.

Comparatively, Biden's White House shows a 77% turnover while Trump's recorded a 72% rate. This indicates a stark difference, as Harris's rate stands at 91.5%.

McCarthy's Personal Experience and Broader Implications

Kevin McCarthy further shared his own experience in attempting to engage with Harris after her election to the U.S. Senate, where she consistently declined to meet. According to McCarthy, this reluctance also extended to other Democrats within the California delegation, hinting at a broader issue of relational disconnect within her political circles.

These observations about Harris's interaction with colleagues and delegation members may contrast with her public persona and administrative responsibilities.

At the heart of the turnover, former aides and staffers have often hinted at a need for Harris to improve her interpersonal relationships and management style.

Previous Staff Experiences and Personal Testimonies

Terry McAteer, who had a personal connection to a former Harris intern, particularly underscored the tough conditions under her leadership through an op-ed. He recounted how Harris would create an intimidating environment filled with profanity and strict behavioral commands.

One telling detail from McAteer's son's experience included that staff, including his son, were expected to stand and greet her each morning in an overly formal manner, a practice out of tune with standard professional environments.

Further criticism of Harris's management style came from experiences shared by other staffers, emphasizing the use of profanity and a high level of rigor that could often tip into what some might call fear-based management.

Public Perception and Critical Review of Leadership Style

The details shared publicly by former staffers and notable figures like McCarthy provide a complex picture of Harris's leadership and management style. These narratives focus significantly on the nature of her interactions with her team and colleagues.

A former aide mentioned to The Hill the persistent challenge in Harris's career regarding staff management, indicating that this isn't a recent issue but rather a consistent pattern.

Such testimonies shape public perception, especially among voters and political analysts who are keen on leadership styles that foster healthy work environments and effective team management.

In conclusion, the high turnover in Vice President Kamala Harris's office raises concerns about both the internal working conditions and her management style.

Kevin McCarthy's critique, combined with staff testimonials and comparative turnover rates, sketches a scenario where the management tactics employed could be seen as detrimental to a cohesive team environment.

Such issues underline the importance of interpersonal relationships and leadership approaches within high-level political offices.