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Kamala’s Previous Stance on Reparations Resurfaces Amid 2024 Campaign

 September 4, 2024

During her 2020 presidential run, Kamala Harris publicly voiced her support for racial reparations for Black Americans, making remarks to that effect during an interview with civil rights activist Al Sharpton, who directly asked her if she would sign a reparations bill if it crossed her desk as president.

In resurfaced video footage, Harris is seen offering a firm response regarding slavery reparations, stating, “When I am elected president, I will sign that bill," as the Daily Wire reports.

Reparations have remained a divisive issue in the United States, with national polling showing stark differences in support across racial groups.

About two-thirds of Americans oppose reparations, while support among Black Americans stands at 77%. Other racial groups, such as white, Asian, and Hispanic Americans, exhibit significantly lower levels of support.

Public Support for Reparations Shows Sharp Divide

Harris’ stance on reparations is particularly significant given the national debate surrounding the issue. Polling data from recent years indicates that while reparations are unpopular among the general population, there are stark racial disparities in the levels of support.

Only 8% of white Americans favor the policy, while 33% of Asian Americans and 39% of Hispanic Americans show support.

The opposition to reparations is based on several arguments, with critics saying that current generations should not be held financially responsible for actions that occurred before their time. Opponents also argue that those seeking compensation never directly experienced slavery, further complicating the issue.

Harris' Comments Resurface As 2024 Campaign Nears

Harris’ comments supporting reparations resurfaced as she prepared for her 2024 presidential campaign. During her 2020 campaign, she also spoke to The Root, where she explained her position on reparations.

The VP highlighted the historical injustices faced by Black Americans, pointing to slavery, Jim Crow laws, and ongoing segregation. In her interview, she expressed the need for reparations to address these long-standing issues.

However, it remains unclear whether Harris still holds the same position as she did in 2020. While Harris has not publicly denounced her previous stance, her campaign has also not explicitly reaffirmed it for the upcoming election cycle.

Harris’ History of Changing Policy Positions

Throughout her political career, Harris has faced criticism for her shifting stances on several key issues. Critics have pointed to her changing positions on topics such as immigration, fracking, and single-payer healthcare as examples of inconsistency. These shifts have raised questions about her current stance on reparations, particularly as the 2024 election approaches.

Some have suggested that Harris is avoiding directly addressing controversial topics, leaving staffers to communicate her evolving positions. This has led to a degree of ambiguity surrounding her current policy views, including whether she continues to support reparations.

Reparations Debate Continues to Divide Americans

The issue of reparations remains a topic of national debate, with strong opinions on both sides. Advocates argue that reparations are necessary to correct the historical and systemic injustices experienced by Black Americans, while opponents contend that the policy would place an unfair financial burden on current generations.

Despite the sharp divide in public opinion, Harris’ previous statements suggest that she viewed reparations as a necessary step toward addressing America’s racial history. However, as the 2024 election approaches, it remains to be seen whether she will reaffirm her support for this controversial policy.


Kamala Harris’ 2020 support for racial reparations has resurfaced ahead of her 2024 presidential run, prompting renewed attention to the issue.

While she expressed strong support for reparations during her previous campaign, it is unclear whether she maintains this position in 2024.

National polling shows that reparations are unpopular among most Americans, though racial disparities exist in the levels of support.

Whether Harris will attempt to backtrack on this issue as November draws nearer, only time will tell.