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Kellyanne Conway divorcing husband

By Sarah May on
 March 6, 2023

After 22 years as man and wife, two of Washington's strangest bedfellows, longtime advisor to former President Donald Trump Kellyanne Conway and vocal Trump critic and Lincoln Project founding member George Conway, have announced plans to divorce, as Page Six reports.

The soon-to-be-exes posted a joint statement on Twitter Friday revealing that they are currently “in the final stages of an amicable divorce” and asked for privacy as they navigate the process of marital dissolution.

Trump-related cracks emerge

Though both Conways were early supporters of Trump when his national political profile was on the rise, over time, Kellyanne's commitment to the cause only grew stronger, while George had a change of heart and made a second career out of blasting his wife's eventual boss at every turn, as NBC News noted.

Kellyanne served as Trump's campaign manager and ultimately joined his administration as a senior counselor to the president, making regular media appearances to tout his policies and take on critics.

George, meanwhile, joined forces with some like-minded Trump foes to form the Lincoln Project, the stated goal of which was to prevent the president's re-election in 2020.

That the two were simultaneously – and very publicly – working at such cross purposes sparked much speculation about the stability of their marriage, with Vanity Fair writing in 2022, “One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century is the marriage of Kellyanne Conway and her husband, George – specifically, if they hate each other as much as their public commentary would suggests, or if the whole thing is some kind of three-dimensional chess designed to further their own interests.”

“Cheating by tweeting”

Though it is not known whether the friction that took hold during the Trump years is a major driver of the Conways' parting, Kellyanne herself made clear that she felt a sense of real betrayal by her husband's conduct during her time in the White House.

In a memoir titled Here's the Deal, Kellyanne stated that George's ongoing pattern of posting tweets harshly criticizing Trump amounted to “cheating by tweeting” and was a breach of their marriage vows.

At the same time, Trump himself was taking public aim at George, at one point referring to him as a “whack job,” a “stone cold LOSER,” and a “husband from hell.”

Kellyanne's memoir also included the observation that she felt “protected” by the president and the first lady against George's continuous onslaught of insults, which she referred to as “an armful of harmful.”

Trump reacts, George responds

Not surprisingly, Trump was delighted by news of the Conways' decision, taking to his Truth Social platform Saturday to comment in his characteristically unabashed style.

“Congratulations to Kellyanne Conway on her DIVORCE from her wacko husband, Mr. Kellyanne Conway. Free at last, she has finally gotten rid of the disgusting albatross around her neck,” Trump began.

“She is a great person and will now be free to lead the kind of life that she deserves...and it will be a great life without the extremely unattractive loser by her side!” Trump added.

George Conway, for his part, fired back on Twitter, telling Trump, “Looking forward to seeing you in New York at E. Jean's trial next month! Hugs and kisses,” referencing a civil defamation case lodged against the former president by former Elle columnist E. Jean Carroll.

“United as parents”

Perhaps exacerbated by George and Kellyanne's very public disagreements, the Conway clan has also been plagued in recent years by the airing of dirty familial laundry by the couple's daughter, Claudia, who, for a time, posted incendiary broadsides at both parents on social media platform TikTok, as the Daily Mail noted.

Accusing her father of indifference toward her and alleging physical abuse at the hands of her mother, Claudia even expressed her desire to achieve legal emancipation, after which both George and Kellyanne announced that they would be stepping away from their professional roles in order to give greater attention to family matters.

Since then, Claudia has stepped back from the type of social media posting that put the spotlight on her home life and reportedly began attending therapy sessions with Kellyanne which paved the way to better mutual understanding, according to Page Six.

In the pair's joint divorce announcement, they declared their “four incredible children” to be the “heartbeat of our family and our top priority,” and despite the split, they emphasized that they “remain united as parents to provide love, joy, comfort and protection to our beautiful children.”