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Kentucky passes bill to establish second amendment sanctuary

 March 18, 2023

The Kentucky legislature has passed a bill that would make it a Second Amendment sanctuary.

The bill would prohibit law enforcement from enforcing federal firearms bans as the Biden administration seeks to add laws and executive orders with new gun restrictions.

The status

"Kentucky’s bill passed the state House in a 78-19 vote last month, and cleared the state Senate on Wednesday 27-9. Both are Republican-majority chambers. It now heads to Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear for his signature," The Hill reported.

"If Beshear approves, the bill would prohibit any law enforcement, as well as any public agency, officer or employee, from enforcing or helping to enforce a federal ban on firearms, ammunition or firearm accessories," it added.

The governor's decision

It is uncertain whether Beshear intends to sign the bill into law. He may allow it to go into law without signing, sign or veto the measure.

He is unlikely to veto the bill as Republicans hold veto-proof majorities in both chambers of the legislature, forcing the Democratic governor into a difficult position for a party usually opposed to defending gun rights.

"Kentucky, should it enact the measure, would join other largely Republican-led states in enacting Second Amendment sanctuary laws," according to Just the News.

"Second Amendment advocacy group Gun Owners of America currently identifies ten states, most in the South and Midwest, as having sanctuary laws it rates as either 'gold' or 'silver,'" it added.

The Republican push

Kentucky's GOP lawmakers see the bill as a win for the state's Second Amendment supporters.

“We see across the world nations who have restricted firearms from their citizens are essentially slaves to their government,” said Sen. Lindsey Tichenor, R-Smithfield.

“They do not have a way to defend themselves from terranical overreach, and that is one of the reasons the Second Amendment was put into our Constitution," she added.

The bill comes as President Joe Biden announced an executive order on Tuesday that will increase red flag laws and require more background checks.

Biden announced the order during an event in Monterey Park, California, where 11 people had previously died in a mass shooting in January.

The latest bill could have major consequences in adding a Democrat-led state to the growing list of Second Amendment sanctuary states opposing Biden's gun restrictions.