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Kevin Morris testifies that Hunter Biden must repay millions in loans he extended

 January 24, 2024

Hunter Biden's Hollywood attorney, Kevin Morris, outlined the sequence of events that resulted in him lending millions of dollars to his "personal friend," the president's son, just one month after their initial meeting.

Although their friendship quickly led to financial assistance for Hunter, Morris maintains that he has no political expectations from the Bidens.

Morris extended approximately $5 million in loans to Hunter, earning him the moniker of Hunter's "sugar brother," as the Daily Mail reported.

Attorney Reveals Repayment Terms

During his testimony in the House GOP's impeachment inquiry, Morris disclosed that Hunter Biden is obligated to commence repayment of the full $5 million loan next year.

Morris first encountered Hunter Biden at an upscale fundraiser for the Biden campaign in Los Angeles' Brentwood neighborhood in November 2019, where he was introduced to the then-candidate Joe Biden's "struggling" son by major Biden donor Lanette Phillips.

Merely a week after their first meeting, Morris was invited by Phillips to Hunter's residence for a discussion.

During this encounter, Morris learned of Hunter's challenging circumstances -- said to have included a lack of income and a pregnant wife -- and felt a deep sense of kinship.

Describing his feelings as "tribal," Morris related to Hunter as one would to a brother in distress.

This empathy prompted Morris to swiftly take on a protective and supportive role in Hunter's life, including managing legal affairs and making substantial financial contributions.

Financial Assistance and White House Visits

Morris has disclosed that he assumed a significant role in Hunter's financial and legal matters, describing his involvement as akin to a general counsel.

He began covering expenses for Hunter's legal team, as well as payments for his residence and car.

In the first year of their friendship, Morris extended a loan of around $1 million to Hunter.

Additionally, Morris shared details of accompanying Hunter to the White House on several occasions, including Naomi Biden's wedding and informal visits where interactions with President Biden occurred.

The Nature of the Loans and Their Repayment

Morris has clarified the financial dynamics between himself and Hunter. The loans, amounting to $5 million, were offered through five promissory notes between late 2020 and 2024. These notes, carrying standard terms and interest, stipulate a repayment commencement date in 2025.

However, Morris stated that he had legal professionals draft promissory notes following the money lending to Hunter.

He explained that the loan terms are "standard," allowing him to take legal action against Hunter if the president's son fails to initiate repayments in 2025.

Morris mentioned that he provided Hunter with the money in part due to concerns about the recovering addict's potential relapse, which could have adverse repercussions for his father, the president.