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King Charles told disgraced Prince Andrew to leave Royal Lodge, but he’s refusing: Report

 May 16, 2023

Prince Andrew reportedly has decided to stay at the Royal Lodge, his home for the past two decades, despite alleged suggestions from King Charles to move out.

The Duke of York has expressed a strong intent to abide by the 75-year lease he signed in 2003 for the £30 million mansion, aiming to occupy the residence for another 55 years, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Andrew's decision to remain in his home comes amid speculation that King Charles suggested his younger brother relocate from the 98-acre property. Andrew, however, appears keen on maintaining his longstanding residence at the Royal Lodge, allegedly dismissing any plans to vacate the mansion,

A source close to Andrew dismissed rumors that the Duke feared the Royals might resort to shutting off utilities to oust him. Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, the friend portrayed Andrew as emotionally fragile and reluctant to leave his longtime home.

Royal Lodge, Potential Home for Prince William and Family

There are suggestions that the Royal Lodge, previously occupied by the Queen Mother, might have been designated for Prince William and his family. The King reportedly expressed a desire for Andrew to downsize to Prince Harry's vacated property, Frogmore Cottage, thereby freeing up the Lodge.

Earlier this year, King Charles reportedly reduced Andrew's annual allowance, making it challenging for the Duke to manage the costs of maintaining the 30-room mansion. Nevertheless, Andrew remains committed to his residence, which he shares with his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson.

Andrew moved into the Royal Lodge following the Queen Mother's death in 2002, granted the residence by his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II. The Lodge frequently welcomes the Duke and Duchess of York's daughters, Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie.

Concerns Over Timetable and Real People at Heart

Friends of the Duke reportedly have voiced concerns about the Palace's initial expectation for the Yorks to leave the property by September, considering it an unrealistic timeline.

"He's just lost his mother. Who, straight after that, would want to be evicted by his brother?" a friend of Prince Andrew was quoted as saying.

Despite the ongoing negotiations over the Royal Lodge that began under Queen Elizabeth II's reign, Andrew is reportedly frustrated that discussions occur between officials rather than directly between the brothers.

There are suggestions that Andrew might consider a compromise deal if Charles decides to discuss matters face-to-face. "If they need the house for William, perhaps Andrew should be told. Perhaps William should invite his uncle for tea and explain," A friend of Andrew proposed.

Duke's Controversial Past and Wales' Residential Journey

Prince Andrew stepped back from royal duties in 2019 after a contentious Newsnight interview amid uproar over his friendship with the convicted financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Despite being stripped of his His Royal Highness (HRH) title in January 2022, the Duke was allowed to wear his Garter robes to the King's coronation earlier this month, hinting at a possible softening of Charles' stance toward him.

The Duke was, however, prohibited from wearing his military uniform at his mother's funeral last year after losing his titles. Nevertheless, he was permitted to wear it during a 'final vigil' in Westminster Hall.

Throughout their married life, Prince William and Kate, the Prince and Princess of Wales, have resided in various royal properties. Last year, they relocated to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, a four-bedroom cottage closer to their children's school in Ascot. Before that, they had occupied the 20-room Apartment 1A at Kensington Palace since 2013.

Human Elements Amid Royal Property Disputes

Amid the unfolding property saga, sources close to Prince Andrew emphasize the human elements at stake. "He's concerned that now the coronation is over, the knives are out. He's worried that the royals might even turn off the utilities to get him out of there. But we're dealing with human beings, not real estate," a friend of the Duke said to the Telegraph.

Another friend noted the role of Sarah Ferguson, Andrew's ex-wife, in the situation. "Sarah has been the glue holding the family together through this nightmare," He said. With their daughter Eugenie expecting a child, the Duke and Duchess look forward to welcoming their new grandchild at the Royal Lodge this summer.