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KJP says Biden has no plans to take executive action on border crisis

 February 28, 2024

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated this week that President Joe Biden does not intend to implement any executive actions during his upcoming visit to the border, despite swirling rumors to the contrary.

This announcement came ahead of Biden's scheduled trip to Brownsville, Texas, this week, underscoring the administration's belief that legislative measures are paramount in addressing the ongoing border crisis, as Fox News reported.

On Tuesday, Jean-Pierre emphasized the necessity of a bipartisan approach to reform the United States' longstanding immigration issues, pointing out the failure to advance a Senate-proposed bipartisan deal as a missed opportunity for significant reform.

Bipartisan Legislation vs. Executive Action

The administration has voiced frustration with Republicans, particularly after the collapse of a bipartisan border agreement, which sought to enhance asylum restrictions and establish daily limits on border crossings.

This deal fell through following former President Donald Trump's criticism and Republican opposition, leading to renewed accusations from the Biden administration towards the GOP for obstructing progress on border security and immigration reform.

Jean-Pierre reiterated that the proposed bipartisan legislation represented a balanced approach.

She said, "What [the bipartisan legislation] would have done is been the toughest but also the fairest deal with providing resources,"

Dueling Border Visits and Political Standoffs

The political landscape is set for a dramatic display as both Biden and Trump plan visits to the Texas border on the same day, albeit to different locations.

Biden's destination is Brownsville, a city within the Rio Grande Valley known for its high volume of border crossings.

Trump plans to visit Eagle Pass, another critical point that sits approximately 325 miles from Brownsville.

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, who endorsed the bipartisan border deal, is expected to accompany Trump on his visit to the border.

Jean-Pierre refrained from commenting on why Judd was not invited to meet with Biden.

Addressing Legislative Logjam Amid Ukraine Crisis

Following an "intense" meeting in the Oval Office on Tuesday, congressional leaders convened a press conference on Tuesday addressing a legislative logjam.

The urgency of the situation was underscored by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where the need for weapons and ammunition is growing critical amid Russia's invasion.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (LA-04) remained steadfast in his position on tying Ukraine aid to border security measures, indicating no shift despite rejecting a compromise on U.S.-Mexico border security that was ultimately removed from the final agreement.

He asserted that the Senate's proposed package fails to address the GOP's insistence on securing the U.S.-Mexico border, a condition Republicans have set for supporting aid to Ukraine.

The speaker said, "The first priority of the country is our border and making it secure."