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Bipartisan Report Calls Biden-Harris Afghanistan Withdrawal a Preventable Disaster

 September 11, 2024

The House Foreign Affairs Committee has released a 300-page report harshly criticizing the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The congressional report highlights multiple errors in planning and execution on the part of the White House, culminating in the tragic suicide bombing at the Kabul airport on August 26, 2021, which killed 13 U.S. service members, as Breitbart reports.

The report, which has been in development for nearly two years, offers a detailed investigation into the events surrounding the chaotic evacuation, and it outlines the administration’s failure to anticipate key events, describing the withdrawal as an avoidable disaster.

Titled "Willful Blindness: An Assessment of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Chaos that Followed," the report provides a thorough account of the decisions that led to the collapse of the Afghan government and the ensuing chaos.

The document criticizes key figures in the administration, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson, for their roles in the disorganized evacuation.

Failures in Planning and Coordination

One of the most critical points in the report is the administration's failure to adequately plan for the evacuation of U.S. citizens, Afghan allies, and military personnel. The report claims that the decision to abandon Bagram Airbase, a crucial military installation, before completing the withdrawal left U.S. forces vulnerable. The suicide bombing at Abbey Gate, which killed 13 service members, is a focal point of the report’s critique.

Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) described the withdrawal as a "slow-moving train wreck." The report debunks the administration’s claim that it was simply following a withdrawal plan laid out by the Trump administration under the Doha Agreement. Instead, it argues that Biden and Harris violated key terms of that agreement and ignored input from NATO allies and the Afghan government.

Chaotic Scenes at Kabul Airport

The report also criticizes the Biden-Harris administration for being unprepared for the collapse of the Afghan military and the rush of civilians at Kabul airport. Despite warnings of an imminent attack by ISIS-K, these concerns were reportedly ignored due to the administration's focus on media optics.

Marines stationed at Abbey Gate, where the bombing occurred, reported seeing a potential suicide bomber but received no feedback after raising the alarm. Investigators found it difficult to piece together the exact sequence of events that led to the attack, with some records being destroyed by the Defense Department. The lack of transparency in the investigation has led to further criticism of the administration.

Impact on U.S. Military and Global Politics

The report details how the withdrawal has had long-lasting consequences for the U.S. military and global security. The chaotic nature of the evacuation has strained relations with NATO allies and has reportedly hurt military recruitment and retention in the U.S. Additionally, the report links the Afghanistan withdrawal to global events, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Rep. McCaul suggested that the withdrawal weakened the United States’ global standing, allowing adversaries like Russia, China, and Iran to strengthen their alliances. "What happened after Afghanistan impacted the world," McCaul told CBS News. He also noted that several terrorists released from Bagram prison during the withdrawal have been captured attempting to cross the U.S. southern border.

Gold Star Families and Public Response

The report has also fueled criticism of the administration’s handling of Gold Star families, who lost loved ones in the Abbey Gate bombing. According to the report, many families felt disregarded by the administration, further exacerbating public anger over the chaotic withdrawal.

The document also highlights the administration's misinformation campaign, which, according to the report, extended from mid-level officials to high-ranking figures such as National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. "This coverup included mid-level administration officials all the way up to the Oval Office," the report stated. This, combined with the destruction of important records, has made it difficult for investigators to fully understand the administration’s decision-making process.

Calls for Accountability

The release of the report has led to renewed calls for accountability within the Biden-Harris administration. Critics argue that the administration prioritized optics over security, leading to a preventable disaster. In an interview with CBS News, Rep. McCaul said, "This was one of the deadliest days in Afghanistan. It could have been prevented if the State Department did its job by law and executed the plan of evacuation."

While the report has sparked political debate, its authors have emphasized that their findings are based on detailed evidence. The committee sought to provide a thorough and nonpartisan account of the events leading to the disastrous withdrawal.


The House Foreign Affairs Committee’s report on the Afghanistan withdrawal presents a damning critique of the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the situation.

From ignored warnings of an ISIS-K attack to the chaotic evacuation at Kabul airport, the report highlights numerous failures in planning and execution. The long-term consequences of the withdrawal, including strained alliances and global instability, continue to reverberate.

The report calls for greater accountability and transparency from the administration while addressing the need to support military families and improve U.S. military readiness.