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Knife-wielding woman shot dead as her boyfriend begged police not to pull the trigger

By Sarah May on
 May 14, 2023

A harrowing scene broke out in the New York town of Hyde Park late last month, when police responding to a domestic dispute call ended up fatally shooting a woman inside her home after she refused to relinquish a knife, as the Daily Mail reports.

The deceased woman, 34-year-old Jamie Feith, lived in the residence with her partner and their three children, and newly released video of the incident has shed light on exactly what transpired.

Video Details Emerge

Footage of the incident shows responding officers in the process of guiding Feith – who had visible marks on her face – out of a room inside the home.

It was not long after that Feith was seen to be pulling some sort of object from her pants, prompting police to shout, “Knife,” while also issuing an emergency call over their radios.

“Send an additional, we've got one at gunpoint,” one of the officers was heard to say.

After a quick struggle with the woman's partner, who implored police, “Don't shoot her!” gunfire can be heard, followed by the sounds of the man's anguished sobbing and the repeated words, “no, no, no, no.”

De-Escalation Turns Deadly

As the New York Post notes, officers were initially able to successfully de-escalate the situation inside the home, which began with a call to police over a suspected domestic violence incident.

However, it was then that Hyde Park officers Joshua Kemlage and Bryan Sweeney and state police trooper Christopher Miller attempted to speak with Feith in the adjacent room that she wielded the knife and allegedly tried to stab the men.

Despite being instructed to stop and drop her weapon, Feith reportedly disregarded the officers' words and continued moving from room to room, with a stun gun proving ineffective in subduing her.

That is when officers said to “shoot her,” and with two shots, Feith fell to the floor as the woman's partner yelled out in panicked protest.

Officials React

As the Mail notes, Al Torreggiani, town supervisor in Hyde Park explained to the Poughkeepsie Journal that he believes Officer Kemlage – who fired the fatal shots – will be absolved of wrongdoing in the end due to the fact that Feith brandished a knife.

“It's tragic no matter what, and the officers have to come to grips with it,” Torreggiani said.

The Hyde Park official added, “It's not an easy thing to pull that trigger and take a life.”

According to the Post, the incident is currently the subject of an investigation by the state attorney general, which is always the case in New York when a civilian dies during an encounter with law enforcement.

Loved Ones Decline Comment

According to the Journal, Feith's partner declined interview requests, and efforts by the outlet to speak with her mother and other family members proved futile.

The Mail noted that Feith was no stranger to law enforcement, having been arrested back in 2015 on felony drunk driving charges stemming from an accident in which she rear-ended another vehicle while over twice the legal blood alcohol limit.

The woman also had a prior drunk driving conviction on her record that dated back to 2012, according to the outlet.

Regardless of what prompted Feith's hostile reaction to police on that fateful day in Hyde Park, all parties concerned deserve answers and, hopefully, closure to what was an indisputably tragic occurrence.