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Biden Chastises Media Over Economic Reporting at White House Conference

 August 15, 2024

During a unique gathering at the White House, President Joe Biden turned a light-hearted event into a critique session for the national press regarding their economic coverage.

Biden, addressing a crowd of social media influencers and traditional media, aggressively claimed his administration has successfully managed inflation, as the Daily Mail reports, suggesting that his administration's successes simply haven't been well-reported.

On Wednesday, the White House hosted the first-ever "Creator Economy Conference" in the Indian Treaty Room, inviting 100 influential TikTok creators. This event marked a pioneering attempt by Biden to bridge the gap between traditional and new media platforms.

Biden playfully inquired if the reporters present were the "real press" or "fake press," referencing a divisive term popularized by his predecessor, Donald Trump. His remarks set a tone that fluctuated between jest and earnestness throughout the conference.

The president took this opportunity to urge the White House reporters to adopt a more positive tone when reporting on economic issues, particularly his administration's efforts against inflation.

Amicable, Yet Critical, Exchange with Press

Jared Bernstein, the chair of the United States Council of Economic Advisers, appeared puzzled during a press briefing about Biden’s direct comments to reporters.

Bernstein highlighted the unusual nature of Biden's directive, emphasizing the need for clarity on what the President meant.

Biden emphasized the significance of social media as a news source for younger generations, including his own grandchildren, acknowledging the influencers' role in shaping future narratives.

Recognizing the growing influence of digital platforms, Biden acknowledged that many young people are increasingly drawn to careers in social media, hinting at its enduring relevance and his own playful interest in joining the industry post-retirement.

Biden's Lighthearted Moments With Influencers

The conference was not just about economic discussions; Biden also infused the event with humor about his age and potential retirement plans.

He joked about looking only 40 years old and teased about his future involvement in social media.

Amid the laughter, Biden expressed a genuine respect for the national press, despite admitting that they might not be his biggest supporters. This duality highlighted his complex relationship with media professionals.

However, the humor shifted back to seriousness during the Q&A session when Biden chose to engage directly with influencers over traditional reporters, even refusing to answer a question about the Venezuelan election, shushing the reporter in the process.

Engagement Over Exclusion In Media Interaction

Biden’s selective response strategy, focusing on social media influencers rather than traditional media, underscored a strategic pivot towards newer forms of communication. This approach suggests a shift in the White House's engagement tactics, potentially signaling future communication styles.

Throughout the event, Biden alternated between moments of critique and camaraderie, often directing his most pointed comments towards the traditional media while offering a warmer, more engaging tone to the influencers.

By the end of the conference, Biden had clearly expressed his view: influencers are the future of media, urging them to consider the impact they could make on political and economic discussions.

In conclusion, the "Creator Economy Conference" at the White House was a significant event that highlighted President Biden's intent to influence media narratives about his economic policies while fostering a more inclusive dialogue with the next generation of media figures.

Biden’s interactions ranged from playful jests to serious critiques, ultimately reflecting his complex relationship with the press and his strategic embrace of social media platforms.